Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010-12-13 Dog Licensing Ordinance Video

2010-12-13 Dog Licensing Ordinance

The Audio isn't very good, no clue why, sorry.
That is the most important part of this video.
Bummer................oh well

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2010-11-08 Minutes

Printed as submitted

Page 1 of 7 - Regular Board Meeting – November 08, 2010

State of Michigan

County of Shiawassee

Charter Township of Owosso

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday November 08, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, located at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.

Call to Order: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge to the Flag.

Introduction: Lily Frink a sophomore at O.E. is in attendance as part of her leadership award.

Members in attendance: Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Archer- Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.

Others Present: Attorney Bowne, Fire Chief Johnson, Asst. Chief Thornburg, and MMR Manager MacDonald, Assessor Schweikert.

Agenda: Miller requests to address Williamston Products after the first public comment as item 6 A. and to remove the “number 2” and change it to “14” under New Business item A so that it reads “14 Results – Assessor”. Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Schultz to accept the agenda as printed with those changes. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.

Minutes-Previous Meeting: Board members Gute, Campbell and Krajcovic wish to strike “of them” from line 18 on page 5 of item D, to strike “Trustee Campbell-Yes” from the roll call vote under Payment of Bills line 25 and to strike “Trustee Campbell” and insert second by “Treasurer Cudney” under Adjournment on page 7 line 7. Moved Trustee Archer, Second Treasurer Cudney to approve the October 11, 2010 minutes with the corrections. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-NO, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-NO, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes.

Treasurer’s Report: Attached to minutes. Krajcovic inquires as to who absorbs the credit card charges when taxpayers pay on line by credit card. Cudney states the taxpayer. Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Clerk Gute to accept the September 30, 2010 treasurer’s report as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Campbell-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.

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Public Comments: Opened at 7:10 pm and closed at 7:28 pm.

Resident Richard Zemcik states he is having trouble with a lady on Ruess Rd. thinking she is beautifying the ditch by filling it in with rocks. He states the lady’s home is actually built on the ditch right of way and he wanted the board to be aware of these things. He also tried calling the township but there is no listing in the new phone book. He found the number in an old phone book but no one was at the hall, though there was a recording that said if you want to get a hold of Supervisor Dick Gute to call this number.

Miller states he had a company change the recordings and the company even charged us to switch everything. He does realize it still states Supervisor Gute and he is waiting for the company to call him back to fix it. He hopes to have it fixed this week.

Mr. Zemcik states he is working with SCDC Tony Neuman regarding the ditch. He also heard Miller was going to go out there. Mr. Zemcik’s concern is that he is going to lose 100 acres if it floods. Six (6) houses could also be lost to flooding if it isn’t taken care of.

Miller states he had been to the lady’s home 3 to 5 times. He also went there with SCRC Manager Lonny Latunski.

Miller states the lady could petition for the drain to be cleaned out, though it would be necessary for her to collect signatures from 50% of the property owners in the drain district to be approved. His opinion is that it would be difficult for her to obtain enough signatures because it would be necessary for the property owners to pay for it. The Township would also be liable for the at-large portion as well.

Gute states the lady has requested her to visit the site as well, though Gute was not able to do so until after the election. She asked if anyone had checked where the drain was plugged towards Wilkinson Rd.

Miller states the lady would not allow him on her property to do that.

Gute states township phone numbers had not been listed in the phonebook since the township changed to Charter Communications phone service. She will contact Charter regarding this. She states it was the main (menu) recording that Miller had the company change. It is Miller’s personal voicemail recording that he needs to change and how to do that is in his instruction booklet.

Resident Jeff Sines states nothing has been done regarding 659 Hollywood Dr. They’ve not painted, sided, filled the holes in, etc. The township has spent money to have Mr. Bowne send the homeowner a letter but nothing has been done. He brought this up 10 months ago and felt 10 months had been long enough.

Bowne states he spoke with Bob on this last week. He told Bob to go there, interview the people to see if it is done and that he would need to bring it to the Township board if they are still in violation. If they are in violation, then the Township needed to take action.

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Public Comments (cont.):

Miller states he and Administrator Delaney visited the home and the homeowner stated he had been without work for some time. However, he was just getting back to work so Miller and Delaney gave him an extension.

Gute can’t understand why tickets were not being used like they use to.

Miller asked Mr. Sines to be patient. He and Administrator Delaney worked with Mr. Lee for 2 or 3 years to clean up his place. It looks nice now and we didn’t give him a ticket.

Mr. Signs felt a job wasn’t necessary to make the homeowner fill in the holes he has dug in his yard since the dirt is already there. Nor was a job necessary to have him remove the pile of wood he has piled against the fence.

Resident Mike Thornton realizes there are numerous violations with Mr. Siminski and would like to know the status of Mr. Siminski’s special use permit.

Attorney Bowne states it is still going to court, though the process-server can never catch Mr. Siminski at home.

Mr. Thornton states he inquired about the special use permit 2 meetings ago and can understand what Mr. Sines is saying. We’re going nowhere. He feels everyone in the Township is afraid of this guy and wants to know why. Just go out there and get it done he said.

6a) Williamston Products – Public Hearing: Brent Jones from SEDP explained the intricacies of CDBG Grant. Williamston Products CFO Mike Isaacs gave a brief history of Williamston Products and the purpose and use of the grant. Public comments were addressed, though no objections.

Resolution Trustee Krajcovic, Second Trustee Archer to resolve the resolution as presented:

Whereas, Owosso Charter Township has submitted a Notice of Intent for a Job Training Community Development Block Grant for Williamston Products, Inc.; and

Whereas, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation has reviewed above mentioned Notice of intent, and has invited the Township to submit a grant application for said project; and

Whereas, the Township has determined that it is in its best interest to accept said invitation and directed the Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership to submit a Job Training Community Development Block Grant application on its behalf in support of Williamston Products, Inc. hiring and training of 76 individuals.

Whereas, the total cost of the project is anticipated to be $695,300, of which $304,000 will be reimbursed via the job Training Community Development Block Grant, and the remainder to be privately funded by Williamston Products, Inc.; and

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Resolution (Cont.)

Whereas, said project is consistent with the community development plan outlined in the application; and

Whereas, it is anticipated that at least 51% of beneficiaries of this project will be low to moderate income persons; and

Whereas, project costs shall not be incurred prior to a formal grant award; prior to completion of the environmental review procedures; and prior to formal, written authorization to incur costs being received from Program Administration, Michigan Economic Development Corporation.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Board of Owosso Charter Township hereby formally authorizes the submission of a Job Training Community Development Block Grant application in support of the Williamston Products, inc. expansion.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township Board authorizes Township Supervisor Danny Miller to sign all required Application forms and execute any and all documents required for the execution and administration of said grant.


Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.

Sheriff’s Dept. Rep./County/State Rep. Comments SCSD Report attached to minutes. The SCSD responded to two hundred and forty three (243) incidents within the Township during the month of October 2010.

Cemetery Report: Report on file. Two (2) open/close burials and two (2­) foundations reported for the month of October 2010, for a total income of $800.00.

Assessor Report: Report on file. Assessor Schweikert states he received a passing score of 95 out of 100 on the 14 point mini review from the State of Michigan Tax Commission (Department of Treasury).

Fire Report: Report on file. The department responded to sixteen (16) alarms during the month of October 2010.

Ambulance Report: Report on file. MMR responded to forty-three (43) medical calls for the month of October 2010. Manager MacDonald researched the complaint Mr. Crawford had reported last month regarding an MMR ambulance running with siren on but no lights. Because Manager MacDonald was not given the specific date and time he could not find anything, though all MMR personnel have been informed of the situation.

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Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Report on file. 2 Building, 6 Mechanical, 2 Electrical, 1 lot split and 1 other (Sign) permits were issued for the month of October 2010. Total amount collected for permits fees is $1,838.00.

Unfinished Business:

A) Williamston Products – Public Hearing: Moved and addressed under Public Comments item 6. A.

B) Website Proposal – Doug Cornell: Original design and submit for approval (5 hrs). Create initial website layout and user interface (up to 5 additional pages) (10 hours). Train 2 end-users to create and add content (4hours). Total estimated time allowance of 15hours, the cost will not exceed $950. Does not include e-commerce or a database (available at additional cost). There are additional website ownership and domain costs. Additional quotes will be provided at the next meeting.

C) M 21 Property Zoning Change: Additional information will be available at the December meeting.

D) Cemetery – 1) Tree Removal, 2) Fence, 3) Leaves, 4) Rules: Tree: Wienert is busy right now. It could be another 5 weeks before they remove the tree. Scott Sparks would like the wood, though it would be necessary for him to cut the logs and remove them from the cemetery. It is Gute’s opinion that the Township should post a notice for the free wood in the Township outdoor bulletin board than to arbitrarily give the wood to one person and questions whether Mr. Sparkes would have insurance if he were injured cutting the wood in the cemetery. She will contact the insurance agency.

Fence: Gute’s opinion is that it was wrong to place the fence where it is and states the board needs to correct the mistake, though she did not feel the entire fence needed to be moved. Her reason to have it moved is because the Township spent money digging the ditch, paid attorney fees for the contracts that were signed giving the property owner’s “possession” of the ditch and they (property owner’s) are to maintain the ditch.

A bid was provided from BELIEVERS Tree Service and Maintenance (solicitation unknown). Gute believes she can get volunteers to move it.

Miller informs the board that he would vote no on moving the fence. Schultz agrees with Miller.

No action was taken to move the fence.

Leaves: Schultz and Krajcovic feel Mr. Blevins is doing a good job taking care of the leaves.

Miller states the reason he placed leaves on the agenda is because Krajcovic mentioned the board would allocate a certain amount for raking.

Krajcovic states the board did discuss it, though she could not remember the amount discussed.

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D) Cemetery – 1) Tree Removal, 2) Fence, 3) Leaves, 4) Rules (cont.):

Gute’s opinion is that the board is again picking on Mr. Blevins because the board paid persons to assist previous maintenance personnel with leaf raking without limiting the price and; no other maintenance person was required to obtain burning permits and; no other maintenance person was made to haul the leaves across the road or to the back of the cemetery.

Gute states it had been decided at the last meeting that the board would leave the raking price alone this year because the trees had been trimmed and the board was allowing Mr. Blevins to burn the leaves again instead of having him haul them elsewhere, therefore she could not understand why Miller brought the issue up again.

Miller states he brought it up again because Krajcovic had brought it up. Gute states “and we already decided to leave it alone this year”! Then, we will leave it at that said Miller.

Rules: Some board members wish to obtain additional cemetery rules outside of those presented by Gute. Gute explained the reason she addressed the 1ft diameter maintenance around headstones by loved ones is because it states such in the cemetery ordinance. To be addressed again next month.

Krajcovic states it is time for the board to look at lot prices again for non-residents.

E) Demis & Wenzlick Auditors: Miller obtained the 3year lock-in audit price agreement from Demis & Wenzlick PC, CPA and states it is up to the board if they want to do this. Gute reminds the board they already voted to do this at the October meeting.

New Business:

A) 14 Results – Assessor: Assessor Schweikert addressed the results during his report.

B) MTA Conference – Grand Rapids Jan 26, 27, 28: Miller announces both the MTA Conference and the Shiawassee County MTA Annual Dinner.

Payment of Bills: Krajcovic and Schultz question a Reeves Wheel Alignment statement that does not list what work was done, it only reflects an amount due. Schultz questions if it was for the township blazer. Gute states she pays by invoice not statement and the particular statement in question is for the towing and repair of a fire department jeep. Gute further states she is usually at the hall between 5:30 and 6:30pm before meetings and board members are welcome to review bills before the meeting. Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Treasurer Cudney to approve the November 8, 2010 checklists for the payment of bills. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.

Cemetery checks – 1037 – 1042, Fire checks 3835 – 3869 (void 3856, 3864 & 3865), Fire 2 check – 139, General Fund checks 4644 – 4691, Sewer checks 382, T & A checks 2048 – 2051 and Water checks 593 – 594 shall be released for payment.

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Public Comments: Opened @ 8:52 P.M. Closed @ 8:53 P.M.

Mike Thornton thanks Gute for going out of her way to assist people in voting.

Board Reports and Comments: Miller -MTA events. Schultz – Provided two sets of Utility Authority minutes to the board. Trustee Krajcovic - Would like the minutes emailed to her. Gute states that was asked before and she had asked everyone to get their email addresses to her. Gute - Finally met face to face with an engineer from Frontier. Frontier installed a pole for the streetlight at Sherman and M21 though they installed the wrong size pole. The engineer was on site to write the order for a larger pole. No idea when the new pole will be installed. Does the Building Inspectors contract expire this year? (2011).

Adjournment: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Campbell to adjourn at 9:02 p.m. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy K. Gute

Owosso Charter Township, clerk

Danny C. Miller

Owosso Charter Township, supervisor

2010-11-08 Video when available

have it, but not posted until requested

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2010-10-11 Minutes

Printed as submitted

Page 1 of 7 - Regular Board Meeting – Oct 11, 2010

State of Michigan

County of Shiawassee

Charter Township of Owosso

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday October 11, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, located at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.

Call to Order: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge to the Flag.

Members in attendance: Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Archer- Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Absent: Trustee Campbell-(work related),

Others Present: Attorney Lynn Bowne, Fire Chief David Johnson, Asst. Chief Thornburg, Building/Zoning Administrator Robert Delaney and MMR Manager Jason MacDonald. Assessor Schweikert had an emergency and could not attend.

Agenda: Supervisor Miller requests that as usual he would like to address Williamston Products after the first public comments. Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Clerk Gute to move Williamston Products – Public Hearing to Public Comments 6. A. and to accept the remainder of the agenda as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.

Minutes-Previous Meeting: Trustee Schultz states the minutes get thicker and thicker all the time and he would like to see the minutes shortened. He doesn’t feel it is necessary for the clerk to print her minutes word for word because the other place he goes their minutes are just one page. Clerk states they are her minutes and a previous advertisement called for more detailed minutes. Trustee Archer requests clarification on the zoning classification change that was made on August 4, 1994 for 1706 W. Main St. Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Trustee Archer to change parcel #006-14-300-095’s zoning classification to C1 within the clerk’s note area and to accept the remainder of the minutes as printed. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-No, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes.

Treasurer’s Report: Attached to minutes. Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Krajcovic to accept the August 31, 2010 treasurer’s report as printed. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.

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Public Comments: Opened at 7:08 pm and closed at 7:14 pm.

Resident William Crawford – States he had an alarming experience within the past month. When he was at Hahn’s he witnessed an MMR Ambulance coming lickety-split with their siren on but no lights and did not turn on King St. to the hospital. MMR Manager MacDonald asked Mr. Crawford if he happened to have the exact date and time. Gute asked Mr. Crawford if he happen to notice if it was Chesaning or Owosso Township MMR. Mr. Crawford did not have that information nor did he make note of the date and time.

Manager Mac Donald states MMR takes safety very seriously and that their policy is to run lights with sirens. If lights were not on either something was wrong with the truck or the attendants did not have them on. Mac Donald will investigate the incident but because Mr. Crawford could not recall the exact date or time of the incident it will make it difficult for him to address.

6a) Williamston Products – Public Hearing: Brent Jones – SEDP: He is working with Williamston Products on Delaney Rd. The company is currently in the process of expansion that will allow them to hire an additional 76 people. There is a $304,000 grant offer on the table to help Williamston Products train new hires, though the township has to be the financial pass-through entity in order for Williamston Products to qualify for this grant. Therefore, Williamston Products will need approval from the township board. Based on timelines Mr. Jones would like Mike Isaac to further detail the project for this 1st public hearing and asks that the board table their decision until the November meeting. At November’s meeting the board will again open up for public hearing. A board resolution and adoption will be necessary for the project. The information previously provided to the board is out of date. He now has updated copies for the board.

Mike Isaacs CFO – Williamston Products: The Company is approximately 3 ½ yrs old with three (3) plants in Michigan and one (1) plant in Mexico. Their mission is to grow jobs in Michigan. The plant on Delaney Rd will be their largest employer. Currently there are 55 employees at this facility making interior trim components for corvettes, items for the new Chevrolet Cruise, Volt, the Chrysler 300 and Dodge Charger. Williamston Products will be investing approximately $400,000 to do this.

Comments from audience: Resident Jeff Sines inquired as to if Williamston Products would be hiring locally. Mr. Isaac stated they have hired a couple of unemployment groups to do the hiring for them. Resident Dave Chrenka inquires as to the hiring time frame. Mr. Isaac states between January and July.

Mr. Jones states the grant proposal is to cover training costs for 76 employees and anything beyond that is not going to effect what is coming before the board.

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6a) Williamston Products – Public Hearing (cont.):

Trustee Schultz inquired as to if most of their work was injection molding. Mr. Isaac states they do not do injection molding and that the grant monies will be used for training in their quality process, safety and cross training them for the differing jobs within the business. Trustee Archer asked if every employee is required to train for 13 weeks. Mr. Isaac stated that every employee would receive a fixed amount of training and that a lot of it was on the job training.

Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Archer to, table the Community Development Block Grant Plublic Hearing until November 09, 2010. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.

Mr. Jones wants to make absolutely sure that all board members are using the new copy of the grant form he provided and to please destroy the old one.

Sheriff’s Dept. Rep./County/State Rep. Comments SCSD Report attached to minutes. The SCSD responded to one hundred and eighty (180) incidents within the Township during the month of September 2010.

Cemetery Report: Report on file. Four (4) open/close burials, (1) Foundation and Seven (7) lots sold reported for the month of September 2010, for a total income of $6,275. Clerk Gute reports that people are continuing to put their personal brush on the cemetery brush pile. Mr. Blevins has been taking the brush home to burn and the next time he comes back more has been added to the pile. Perhaps putting a sign up stating violators will be prosecuted would help.

Assessor Report: Report on file.

Fire Report: Report on file. The department responded to eight (8) alarms during the month of September 2010.

Assistant Chief Thornburg reported on a gas leak alarm the department responded to last Saturday at 9:50 A.M. at Stoney Creek Retirement Village. Within minutes the complex was being evacuated. The firemen found a 1 inch gas leak 3 feet from a 4800 volt transformer on the back side of the building. All residents were accounted for and both S.A.T.A. and the Red Cross were called to transport and house residents that did not have a place to go. The gas was back on at 3:00 P.M. and the electricity was restored at 7:00 P.M. It was determined that there was a short in the aluminum wires. The aluminum must have reached at least 1,400 degrees and then burned a 2 inch plastic gas line that was on top of the wires. It melted a ¾ inch hole in the gas line and was hot enough to turn the dirt to glass. One spark and the department could have had a real issue. Per a call to the manager she stated that the residents returned about 8:00 P.M. that night.

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Clerk Gute reported a strong natural gas odor this morning on M 21 between Chestnut St. and Delaney Rd. Assistant Chief Thornburg states it is not uncommon when the weather is real calm like it is. Chief Johnson states he smelled it on Delaney Rd. last night and checked the Industrial Park. It was Mid West Bus Rebuilders. There is a procedure they do to bleed off their propane and they bleed it off into the atmosphere. It does smell like gas though it is not flammable.

Ambulance Report: Report on file. MMR responded to fifty-three (53) medical calls for the month of September 2010.

Manager Mac Donald states he will go back and look at the road safety reports regarding Mr. Crawford’s public comment. The reports will tell him if the lights were turned on and if power went to the lights, though it will not tell him if the lights were actually working.

Clerk Gute states that quite some time ago she observed an ambulance driving through town at night with no break lights or tail lights. She called 911. Central Dispatch contacted the ambulance and they returned to base.

Mac Donald states ambulances are prone to those types of electrical problems because they are manufactured after they come off the assembly lines.

Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Report on file. 3 Building, 7 Mechanical, 1 Plumbing, 3 Electrical and 2 other (Demolition & Fence) permits were issued for the month of September 2010. Total amount collected for permits fees is $2,402.00.

Unfinished Business:

A) Williamston Products – Public Hearing: Moved and addressed under Public Comments item 6. A.

B) M 21 Property Zoning Change: Parcel 006-14-300-096 was found to have been rezoned by the planning commission on August 04, 1994 and Centel Credit Union was the property owner at that time. Further research is necessary since it is not known if the Centel property was rezoned to include their current location and then split off or etc. Resident Frank Lorenz states the county had this property zoned C1 back in the 1970’s. Consensus of the board is to table this issue for further research.

C) Planning Commission: Administrator Delaney reports that the Planning Commission met on October 6th. Doug Piggot from Rowe Engineering gave a presentation on medical marijuana. Delaney’s opinion is that the more they get into this the more he feels the township would be opening a can of worms. Some municipalities have placed a moratorium on medical marijuana.

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C) Planning Commission (cont.):

Attorney Bowne was not able to attend the meeting, though he did send a memo stating he did not feel a moratorium was necessary for Owosso Township because the township already had the tools in effect. He has discussed this with both state and township attorney’s. If someone came in and wanted to sell marijuana that is more than the patient caregiver they are going to have people assisting them and now they’ve stepped outside of what the law allows. Bob is essentially saying is that our zoning doesn’t allow for that type of activity. They

could then go before the ZBA. Their recourse is to appeal the decision before Judge Lostracco. Let them get a judicial decision from Judge Lostracco said Bowne.

Regarding not having a moratorium we want to ensure that our current home occupation regulations are going to prevent an expansion of a home occupation where you have a caregiver and a patient. He doubts the township would want a boarding house in a residential setting. A commercial or industrial district would be more appropriate. Bowne’s opinion is that the township should look at the home occupation language to make sure the intent for home occupations is accomplished.

D) Weed Cutting/Weed Ordinance: Trustee Schultz states he spoke with Dick Gute and Todd Elliott and that they each of them spoke with each other as well. Everything is going to stay as is and we would probably do some changing next year. Supervisor states that if that was Schultz’s recommendation he would live with that.

E) Cemetery – Rules/Fence/Leaves:

Leaves: Supervisor Miller states it cost the township $1,350 for 7 rakers at the cemetery last year and asked if the board wanted to continue doing this. Clerk Gute states the reason for that is because they have to handle the leaves so many times. They have to put them on the trailer to haul them across the road to the farmer’s field or haul them to the back of the cemetery instead of burning them. Each load of leaves has to be put on the trailer and taken off. The farmer requests that they spread the leaves throughout the field and that takes time. Last year the farmer was not ready for the leaves so they had to haul them to the back of the cemetery said Gute. Consensus of the board was that Mr. Blevins would be allowed to burn leaves on the roads within the cemetery.

There was discussion regarding community service. Attorney Bowne states the Judge will often order 10 days of community service for drunk driving or etc. If you can hit somebody right and they can get them out there it would help. Consensus of the board was that Mr. Blevins can obtain persons in need of community service hours when possible to help rake.

Gute requests clarification that if Mr. Blevins is not able to get help or enough help from community service is he still able to hire help. Consensus of the board was that he could.

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Tree: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Krajcovic to hire Wienert Tree Service to remove the oak tree that was struck by lightning at a cost not to exceed $1,200. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes.

Rules/Regulations: The board will consider adopting regulations at the November meeting.

New Business:

A) Demis & Wenzlick Auditors: Demis and Wenzlick has offered to, reduce auditing costs to the township by $500 if the township secured a 3 year audit agreement with them. Board members could not recall if the 2009-10 audit cost $8,000 or $8,500. Regardless, the board was interested in the reduced cost lock in price for 3 years. Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Trustee Archer to secure a 3 year audit cost agreement with Demis and Wenzlick PC, CPA’s at a cost of $500 less than the 2009-10 audit. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.

(Special Note: The 2009-10 Audit cost $8,500. The secured agreement will cost the township $8,000 per year for audit years 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13)

B) Township Website: Supervisor Miller suggests the township set up a website. Clerk Gute states that at the March 09, 2009 board meeting the board authorized Supervisor Miller to obtain quotes. Miller did not recall such, though will now seek quotes.

C) MTA Annual Dinner: November 09, 2010 @ 6:00 PM. Cocktail hour begins at 6 P.M., dinner at 7:00 P.M. with entertainment provided by Craig Lawson. This event is open to the public at a cost of $11.00 per person. If interested, checks must be sent to Middlebury Township Trustee Erin Dutton.

Payment of Bills: Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Schultz to approve the October 11, 2010 checklists for the payment of bills. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes. Trustee Campbell-Yes.

(Ambulance check 1369, Cemetery checks – 1031 – 1036, Fire checks 3801 – 3834, General Fund checks 4615 – 4643, Sewer checks 380 - 381, T & A checks 2044 – 2047 and Water checks 590 – 592 shall be released for payment.

Public Comments: Opened @ 8:37 P.M. Closed @ 8:38P.M.

Kay Lauro states the agenda had cemetery fence on it but the board did not address it and asked if the board was going to address it. Clerk Gute asked Ms. Lauro if she was asking the board go back and address it because the cemetery fence was not on her agenda. Supervisor Miller states it was not on his agenda either and that it would not be addressed because we were out of the business portion of the meeting. Gute requests that it be put on next months agenda. Miller states it can.

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Board Reports and Comments: Trustee Schultz – Utility Authority. Trustee Krajcovic - Quarterly expense reports. Clerk Gute - Township Blazer repairs, when garage door openers will be installed and letter from Prein and Newhof regarding the possibility of MDNRE grants that pays 90% for planning and design for water and waste water projects . Attorney Bowne – Everyone needs to contact him if they observe mud bogging events on the Siminski property.

Adjournment: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Campbell Treasurer Cudney to adjourn at 8:45p.m. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy K. Gute

Owosso Charter Township, clerk

Danny C. Miller

Owosso Charter Township, supervisor