Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2010-03-08 Tom Newhof on Water Issues Video

2010-03-01 Special Meeting with Tom Newhof to present information on water issues and possible funding for water projects.

These are approximately 10 minute segments of about 1.5 hours worth of meetings.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9


Sunday, March 28, 2010

2010-03-01 Water Meeting videos

Owosso Charter Township Clerk Judy Gute asked for an update on the negotiations before beginning her presentation.
This is Supervisor Danny Miller's update on the progress
of the water agreement negotiations with the city of Owosso
(click the arrow to view, it takes a moment to buffer)
Clerk Gute then began her presentation,
which took about 45 minutes.
I have split into 7 files for easier uploading/downloading etc.
(click the arrow on each to view stop the previous one or you won't get any sound these will take a bit longer to buffer.hmmmmm on a slow day some take a 'while' start the buffer and go do something let them load up completely then you won't have to wait so much)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

I must say a very well done and thorough job!

So It really came as a surprise, to me, that this is the first thing out of Trustee Schultz's mouth.

Makes a person wonder if he heard any of it.


During discussion amongst the board

Danny Miller had this to say.......

Then, during Public Comments former Owosso Charter Township Supervisor and Water Negotiating Team member Richard Gute had this to say about that...

That should correct anything Danny Miller might have said WRONG.


Township resident and volunteer fireman Mike Law giving his water packet to GarySchultz

Then the meeting moved on to board discussion

June/Jayne et all

Danny Miller talks about "reasonable cost" he wants to review, then get with Diane and Gary and ...mumble.....also, guess he don't wanna talk to Jayne or Judy, or?

Miller, AGAIN, using Larry Jones name as someone who supports water at any cost(?). As I remember it Larry Jones was not happy when he heard "double rate".


Public Comments and there were some good ones

Mike Thornton

Then a bit of lively discussion that I will split into two parts. (I could have almost made it in one.)

These last two are giving me a problem. I'll try one more time tonight, then I'm done.

Part 1 Public Comments

That one died and after about the 10th try the next morning

wallah! Just like magic. One more to go.

Part 2 Public Comments once, twice, third time was a charm


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2010-02-15 Budget

Original printed as submitted Page 1 of 2 – Budget Workshop - February 15, 2010

State of Michigan

County of Shiawassee

Charter Township of Owosso

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in special session for Budget Workshop purposes on Monday February 15, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.

Call to Order: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge to the Flag.

Members in attendance: Roll Call: Trustee Archer-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-absent, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes.

Public Comments: Open 6:01m. Closed 6:01m. No Comments.

Agenda: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Krajcovic to accept the agenda as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Trustee Campbell-absent.

Budget Workshop:

General Fund: Moved Clerk Gute, Second Trustee Schultz to adopt the 2010-11 Proposed General Fund Budget with Revenues and Expenses totaling $1,276,120. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Trustee Campbell-Absent.

Ambulance Fund: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Krajcovic to adopt the 2010-11 Proposed Ambulance Fund Budget with Revenues and Expenses totaling $183,040.00. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Trustee Campbell-Absent.

Cemetery Fund: Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Treasurer Cudney to adopt the 2010-11 Proposed Cemertery Fund Budget with Revenues and Expenses totaling $30,310.00 Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Trustee Campbell-Absent.

Fire Fund: Moved Clerk Gute, Second Trustee Krajcovic to adopt the 2010-11 Proposed Fire Fund Budget with Revenues and Expenses totaling $1,155,600.00. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Trustee Campbell-Absent.

Fire 2 Fund: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Archer to adopt the 2010-11 Proposed Fire 2 Fund Budget with Revenues and Expenses totaling $243,700.00. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Trustee Campbell-Absent.

Page 1 of 2 – Budget Workshop - February 15, 2010

Sewer Fund: Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Schultz to adopt the 2010-11 Proposed Sewer Fund Budget with Revenues and Expenses totaling $1,164.000. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Trustee Campbell-Absent.

Water Fund: Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Treasurer Cudney to adopt the 2010-11 Proposed Water Fund Budget with Revenues and Expenses totaling $138,400.00. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Trustee Campbell-Absent.

Extra Meeting Pay: Moved Clerk Gute, Second Trustee Archer to consider this meeting a reconvened Budget Workshop Meeting and not compensate board members with extra meeting pay. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Trustee Campbell-Absent.

Public Comments: Opened at 6:42pm. Closed at 6:42pm. No comments.

Board Comments: Clerk Gute has concerns with the continued poor economy and continual drop in revenue sharing and felt the board needed to watch wasteful spending and look for possible budget savings. She addressed, Cell Phones: Accountability per FOIA requests, private use, expensive answering machine and departments being part time. Attorney Fees: Unnecessary attendance of meetings, unnecessary use when information can be obtained from MTA or other departments, full board direction for use vs. committee only, defining bills. Building Administrator: Necessary hours, tracking of educational credits, vacation and holidays. Education/Training: Mileage to and from, payments for personal employment gain, mandatory classes vs. attending for the purpose of a mid winter getaway. Per Diem Committee Pay: Hours vested vs. pay. Trustee Pay: One meeting for monthly salary, additional duties. Cemetery: Unnecessary supplies purchased, liability for private vs. authorized dealer use for equipment repairs, fully winterizing water lines, pull electric meter during closed season.

Clerk Gute felt that all Township business is taxpayers business therefore she would like to see all committee meetings posted in the outside bulletin board so that all board members and the public can attend these meetings. Gute would like to see board members submit written reports regarding all committee or board liaison meetings they attend (exception would be Zoning and ZBA meetings since official minutes are recorded).

Special Water Workshop will be held Thursday March 4, 2010 at 6:00p.m. (Note: The Water Workshop had to be rescheduled for March 1, 2010 @ 6:00pm).

Adjournment: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Archer to adjourn at 7:12pm. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy K. Gute
Owosso Charter Township, clerk
Danny C. Miller
Owosso Charter Township, supervisor

2010-02-08 Minutes

Proposed printed as submitted Page 1 of 4 -Regular Board Meeting-February 08, 2010

State of Michigan

County of Shiawassee

Charter Township of Owosso

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday February 08, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.

Call to Order: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge to the Flag.

Members in attendance: Roll Call: Trustee Archer-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes. Trustee Campbell-No (prior work commitment will be late).

Others Present: Attorney Lynn Bowne, Fire Chief David Johnson, Asst. Chief Thornburg, Assessor Steve Schweikert, Building Administrator Robert Delaney, O.C.T. MMR Manager Jason MacDonald.

Agenda: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Treasurer Cudney to “move the road commission up to just under public comments.” Ayes: All. Nayes: None. Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Krajcovic to accept the agenda as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.

Minutes-Previous Meeting: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Archer to enter the correct year “2010” in the first paragraph on page 1 and under Payment of Bills page 6, add that the motion was made by Trustee “Krajcovic” and seconded by “Treasurer Cudney” and to accept the remainder of the minutes as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.

Clerk Gute feels Supervisor Miller slandered her at the last meeting by saying she had put something in the minutes that had not happened during the meeting. She then played the tape whereby it clearly reflects that Trustee Schultz moved to adjourn (the December 15, 2009 meeting). Clerk Gute then asks, “aren’t we going to, have board comments?” Gute then said she would get with Danny afterwards. Supervisor asks on the… Clerk Gute said I have minutes for you to sign and wondered if you were refusing to sign them or what. Miller said “we will bring that up later.” Trustee Krajcovic then seconds the motion to adjourn.

Treasurer’s Report: Attached to minutes. Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Trustee Schultz to accept the treasurer’s report as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes.

Page 2 of 4 -Regular Board Meeting-February 08, 2010
Public Comments: Opened at 7:10pm. Closed at 7:14pm.
Dennis Rainwater announced his candidacy for 85th District State Representative on the republican ticket. Mr. Rainwater is from Durand. He obtained a bachelors of science degree from MSU and worked for the auto industry for 35+ years. He has worked in sales and business management and has been involved in bringing jobs to Michigan. Mr. Rainwater formed a group called the patriots that supports the troops and sends thousands of packages to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

a) Road Commission: Manager Lonnie Latunski reported on the 2010 proposed road projects. Bids are just coming in and he will update the board when they are all in.

Sheriff’s Dept. Rep./County/State Rep. Comments: SCSD Deputy Rob Herrick reports 194 incidents in Township during the month of January.

Cemetery Report: Report on file. The January 2010 income totaled $400.

Assessor Report – Board of Review: Report on file. Clerk Gute states she has not received any Board of Review Minutes and she is supposed to have them on file. Assessor Schweikert will get with Danny and work on that.

Fire Report: Report on file.

Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Trustee Schultz to allow Chief Johnson to purchase new Chief and Assistant Chief uniforms based on the Ed Rehmann and Sons quote. Roll Call: Treasurer Cudney-Yes Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes.

Chief Johnson states he no longer has a home phone and requests that the Township pay for cell phone service for him. He states he needs a phone for those that call him for burning permits and etc. He will check prices.

Moved Clerk Gute, Second Treasurer Cudney to appoint Dan Somer’s to the position of Chief Engineer, effective immediately. Roll Call: Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes.

Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Clerk Gute to appoint Brian Springsdorf to the position of Assistant Engineer, effective immediately. Roll Call: Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes.

Air Source One held the maintenance/service agreement on the air/breathing system. They recently went out of business. Chief Johnson is working on a group price from R&R Fire Truck Repair to do the maintenance/service agreement at a cost of $740 for the first year.

Page 3 of 4 -Regular Board Meeting-February 08, 2010

Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Treasurer Cudney to authorize Chief Johnson to use Station #2’s Squad at his discretion for the purpose of sending firemen to training classes, seminars and etc. only if the Township insurance covers it for such uses and providing they keep a log regarding such use. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes.

Chief Johnson would like the planning commission to work on the Township burning ordinance. If the Township came up with one that was more in line then he would like to ask the other municipalities served by the fire department to adopt our ordinance. Attorney Bowne states he has drafted burning ordinances for other townships and some municipalities did not like what others had. He stated that we have to remember that the other Townships have to enforce their own ordinances, not Owosso Township. Chief Johnson states the State of Michigan does not allow burning of leaves or grass clippings and asked if we are going to allow that.

Clerk Gute clarifies that the repairs at Station #1 cost $6,330 not $24 as Supervisor Miller stated at the previous meeting.

Note: Trustee Campbell arrived. It is now 8:04 pm.

Ambulance Report: Report on file. A total of 47 calls handled for the month of December 2009. Manager MacDonald presented the tri annual response times. MMR’s response times came in well under the contractual agreement.

Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Report on file. One (1) Mechanical permit, one (1) Building permit, one (1) Electrical permit and one (1) Plumbing permit was issued in the month of January 2010 for a total of $461.00. Mr. Delaney states he visited the house on M 21 and another on Doepker Rd (regarding junk). Both had stuff frozen in the ground so he gave them until the end of February to remove it. Thomas Lee Lea owner of 3189 W. M 21 states he has repaired/replaced his basement wall.

Unfinished Business: a) Fire Hall 2. The eaves trough will cost $700 to $750 to replace. Some of the crimping on the roof might need to be re-crimped. It could cost $400 to $500 dollars. b) Annual Meeting: To be held March 27, 2010 at 9:00am.

New Business:
a) FOIA:
Supervisor Miller will write up a policy.
b) Bid Process: Supervisor and Clerk will present language to the board for policy
c) Budget Submission and Adoption: Budget workshop rescheduled for February 15,
2010 at 6:00pm. The budget hearing will be held during the March 8, 2010 meeting.
d) Wage Resolutions: Board increases were turned down by board.

Page 4 of 4 -Regular Board Meeting-February 08, 2010

e) Planner and calendar Updates: Will come out in March.
f) Quarterly Financial Reports: Clerk will begin distributing quarterly financials.

Payment of Bills: Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Trustee Schultz to approve the January 31, 2010 through February 08, 2010 checklist for the payment of bills. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell. Cemetery checks – 978 – 983, Fire checks 3512 – 3544, General Fund checks 4365 – 4395, Sewer checks 362 – 363, T & A checks 2012 – 2015 and Water checks 560 – 562 shall be released for payment.

Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Archer to authorize the clerk to issue a check to Great Wolf Lodge for Chief Johnson’s conference lodging. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.

Public Comments: Opened @ 9:19pm. Closed @ 9:20pm. None.

Board Comments: Trustee Archer prepared a WWTP report and distributed it to the board. The WWTP Board meets quarterly and she asked if the board would like her to continue submitting reports to the board. The board agreed. Clerk Gute states that at the last meeting Supervisor Miller said the clerk was in violation of the law because she was not publishing her minutes 21 days before the next meeting. She clarified that the law he quoted pertained to a General Law Township. A General Law Township does have to publish their minutes within 21 days after the meeting (the minutes refer to) not before the next meeting. However, we are, a Charter Township so that law does not pertain to us. Therefore Owosso Charter Township only has to publish once a month.

Adjournment: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Archer to adjourn at 9:24pm. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy K. Gute
Owosso Charter Township, clerk

Danny C. Miller
Owosso Charter Township, supervisor

2010-02-02 Budget Workshop

Original printed as submitted Page 1 of 1 – Budget Workshop - February 02, 2010

State of Michigan

County of Shiawassee

Charter Township of Owosso

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in special session for Budget Workshop purposes on Tuesday February 02, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.

Call to Order: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge to the Flag.

Members in attendance: Roll Call: Trustee Archer-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Gute-Absent (due to illness). Others Present: Fire Chief David Johnson.

Public Comments: Open 6:04pm. Closed 6:05pm. No Comments.

Agenda: Moved
Trustee Krajcovic, Second Trustee Schultz to accept the agenda as printed with the addition of “Agenda Approval”. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Absent, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.

Budget Workshop:
The proposed budgets were not adopted. The board will wait until Clerk Gute can assist with the budget. Since proposed budgets were not adopted a note will be placed on the door stating the budget was not ready.

Public Comments: Opened at 8:03pm. Closed at 8:04pm. No comments.

Board Comments: Treasurer Cudney felt it was unfortunate that Clerk Gute could not be here to help with the budget.

Adjournment: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Archer to adjourn at 8:06pm. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jayne I. Campbell, recording secretary
Owosso Charter Township, trustee

Judy K. Gute
Owosso Charter Township, clerk

Danny C. Miller
Owosso Charter Township, supervisor

Monday, March 8, 2010

2010-02/02/08/15 Synopsis

Charter Township of Owosso
Minute Synopsis – February 02, 2010

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in Special Session for Budget Workshop purposes on Tuesday February 02, 2010 at 6:00 P.M.
in the Township Board Room, at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.
Roll Call: Joy Archer, Danny Miller, June Cudney, Gary Schultz, Diane Krajcovic, Jayne Campbell. Judy Gute-Absent (illness).
Items of Business - Approved: a) Agenda.
Budget Workshop: No action taken.
Adjournment: 8:06 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy K. Gute, clerk
A complete copy of these minutes are available to the public upon request by contacting the clerk @ (989) 725-1709 ext 2.

Charter Township of Owosso
Minute Synopsis – February 08, 2010

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday February 08, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.
Roll Call: Joy Archer, Judy Gute, Danny Miller, June Cudney, Gary Schultz, Diane Krajcovic, Jayne Campbell.
Items of Business - Approved: a) Agenda. b) Minutes of 01-11-10. c) 12-31-09 Treasurer’s Report. d) Purchase dress uniforms for chief and assistant chief. e) Appoint Dan Somers to Assistant Engineer. f) Appoint Brian Springsdorf to Assistant Engineer. g) Firemen use of Squad #2. h) Payment of Bills.
Adjournment: 9:24 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy K. Gute, clerk
A complete copy of these minutes are available to the public upon request by contacting the clerk @ (989) 725-1709 ext 2.
Special Water Workshop – Engineer Tom Newhof - March 08, 2010 @ 5:30 p.m.
Next Regular Board Meeting - March 08, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m.
Owosso Charter Township Budget Hearing – March 08, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m.

Charter Township of Owosso
Minute Synopsis – February 15, 2010

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in Special on Monday February 15, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.
Roll Call: Joy Archer, Judy Gute, Danny Miller, June Cudney, Gary Schultz, Diane Krajcovic. Jayne Campbell (absent).
Items of Business - Approved: a) Agenda. b) 2010-11 Proposed General Fund Budget $1,275.800 c) 2010-11 Proposed Ambulance Fund Budget $183,040.00.d) 2010-11 Proposed Cemertery Fund Budget $30,310.00. e) 2010-11Proposed Fire Fund Budget $1,155,600.00. f) 2010-11 Proposed Fire 2 Fund
Budget $243,700.00. g) 2010-11 Proposed Sewer Fund Budget $1,164.000. h)2010-11 Proposed Water Fund Budget $138,400.00. i) Reconvened Budget Workshop Meeting and no compensation.
Board Comments: Clerk Gute has concerns with the continued poor economy and continual drop in revenue sharing and felt the board needed to watch wasteful spending and look for possible budget savings. She addressed, Cell Phones: Accountability per FOIA requests, private use, expensive answering machine and departments being part time. Attorney Fees: Unnecessary attending meetings, unnecessary charges seeking information that can be obtained from MTA or other departments, full board direction for use vs. committee only, defining bills. Administrator: Hours necessary, tracking educational credits, vacation and holidays. Education/Training: Mileage to and from, payments for personal employment gain, mandatory classes vs. purposes of a mid winter getaway. Per Diem Committee Pay: Hours vested vs. pay. Trustee Pay: One meeting vs. monthly salary, additional duties. Cemetery: Unnecessary parts purchases, liability for private vs. authorized dealer equipment repairs, fully winterizing water lines, pull electric meter during closed season.
Gute states all Township business is taxpayers business therefore she would like all committee meetings posted on the public notice board at the hall so that all board members and the public can attend these meetings. She would like to see board members submit written reports regarding all committee and board liaison meetings they attend (except Zoning and ZBA meetings since official minutes are recorded).
Adjournment: 7:12 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy K. Gute, clerk
A complete copy of these minutes are available to the public upon request by contacting the clerk @ (989) 725-1709 ext 2.