Page 1 of 12 - Regular Board Meeting - March 08, 2010
State of Michigan
County of Shiawassee
Charter Township of Owosso
County of Shiawassee
Charter Township of Owosso
Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday March 08, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, located at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.
Call to Order: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge to the Flag.
Members in attendance: Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes. Trustee Archer-Absent (due to loss of family member).
Others Present: Attorney Lynn Bowne, Fire Chief David Johnson, Asst. Chief Thornburg, Assessor Steve Schweikert, Building Administrator Robert Delaney, O.C.T. MMR Manager Jason MacDonald.
Agenda: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Treasurer Cudney to “remove March 1, 2010 minutes from item #4” under “Minutes Previous Meeting” and add “February 02, 2010 and February 15, 2010 minutes,” add “- Public Hearing” at the end of “Unfinished Business 13. A)” and add “2009-10 Amended Budgets” under “New Business # 14. e)” and to, accept the remainder of the agenda as printed. Ayes: All. Nayes: None. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
Minutes-Previous Meeting: February 02, 2010 minutes: Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Campbell to add under the second board comments the word “be” after Clerk could not “be” here to …and to accept the remainder of the minutes as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes.
February 08, 2010 Minutes: Trustee Krajcovic states that when ever anyone is absent it has been so noted when ever there has been a motion and she doesn’t know if the board, just to be consistent, if we want to show Campbell as late on all these various motions. Clerk Gute states if you notice I did put her late during the roll call and I did put the time she arrived so it doesn’t matter if I put it there or not. Right said Krajcovic but in the past you always done that. Krajcovic also had a problem under New Business item d) Wage Resolution where it states “Board increases were turned down. She states the board turned them down. Clerk suggested the board add “by board” at the end of the sentence. Okay as long as we’re nit picking Thomas Lee’s name is spelled wrong under Building Inspector/Code Enforcer said Trustee Campbell. She said it was Lea not Lee.
Call to Order: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge to the Flag.
Members in attendance: Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes. Trustee Archer-Absent (due to loss of family member).
Others Present: Attorney Lynn Bowne, Fire Chief David Johnson, Asst. Chief Thornburg, Assessor Steve Schweikert, Building Administrator Robert Delaney, O.C.T. MMR Manager Jason MacDonald.
Agenda: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Treasurer Cudney to “remove March 1, 2010 minutes from item #4” under “Minutes Previous Meeting” and add “February 02, 2010 and February 15, 2010 minutes,” add “- Public Hearing” at the end of “Unfinished Business 13. A)” and add “2009-10 Amended Budgets” under “New Business # 14. e)” and to, accept the remainder of the agenda as printed. Ayes: All. Nayes: None. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
Minutes-Previous Meeting: February 02, 2010 minutes: Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Campbell to add under the second board comments the word “be” after Clerk could not “be” here to …and to accept the remainder of the minutes as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes.
February 08, 2010 Minutes: Trustee Krajcovic states that when ever anyone is absent it has been so noted when ever there has been a motion and she doesn’t know if the board, just to be consistent, if we want to show Campbell as late on all these various motions. Clerk Gute states if you notice I did put her late during the roll call and I did put the time she arrived so it doesn’t matter if I put it there or not. Right said Krajcovic but in the past you always done that. Krajcovic also had a problem under New Business item d) Wage Resolution where it states “Board increases were turned down. She states the board turned them down. Clerk suggested the board add “by board” at the end of the sentence. Okay as long as we’re nit picking Thomas Lee’s name is spelled wrong under Building Inspector/Code Enforcer said Trustee Campbell. She said it was Lea not Lee.
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Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Campbell to add “by board” and change the last name of Lee to “Lea” and accept the remainder of the February 08, 2010 minutes as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes.
February 15, 2010 Minutes: Trustee Schultz has a problem under board comments where it says: “Trustee’s pay” because he does more than one meeting a month. Clerk Gute said but she said the Trustee’s get $350 per month for one meeting a month. Supervisor Miller states cell phones were addressed whether they were needed or not. He believes the township is in the position where they do need cell phones. He then addresses FOIA accountability and says he doesn’t know what accountability per FOIA request means. If a member from the public FOIA’s for a copy of someone’s cell phone bill the bill should state where the calls went and where they came from so that the public can know whether they are being used for personal use or township business and right now we don’t have that right because people are getting their own bills said Gute. At the school anyone can FOIA my cell phone bill and anyone here could do the same said Campbell. Supervisor Miller asked Bob Delaney how long he had his phone (Bob stated over a year) and there has never been a problem. That’s right said Gute but it is not on a government account. Trustee Campbell said yes her bill is broken down at the school. We have not had a FOIA request yet but we could get one said Gute. Miller then questions attorney use and his unnecessary attendance of meetings, unnecessary use for information that can be obtained through MTA and other departments. He feels Lynn is necessary at the water meetings because the City always has two attorneys. Gute asked if she could address that since he was attacking her. She said it was that we had a fire truck bid and she didn’t feel we needed an attorney there while we sat for hours for them to decide on which truck. She also feels the board had already changed the contract and you took it upon yourself to go to Lynn and have him redo it (no fault of Lynn’s), however by not bringing it back to the board first we’re basically being charged twice. You’ll go to him, he changes it, then it comes back to us, we change it again and then it is back to him (attorney) again and Gute feels it should go to the board first. Supervisor Miller says he was not attacking the clerk and then questions under the building department it says necessary hours, tracking of educational credits and tracking of holidays and vacation. Are we saying that is not a necessity or are we doing too much asked Miller? You were at the meeting said Gute. It was the hours and who keeps track of vacation days or extra days off because she never gets slips stating if she should pay or not if extra days are taken above that said Gute. She felt the board should be tracking educational credits just to make sure credits are kept up and the board wasn’t paying for more classes than necessary. Miller mentions Bob driving the blazer so the township did not have to pay him mileage. Mr. Supervisor if you remember these were all suggestions of things to look at and I didn’t say people were necessarily doing it said Gute. I didn’t say you were said Miller. You were assuming it that way said Gute. You can say what ever you want Clerk Gute I am asking questions.
February 15, 2010 Minutes: Trustee Schultz has a problem under board comments where it says: “Trustee’s pay” because he does more than one meeting a month. Clerk Gute said but she said the Trustee’s get $350 per month for one meeting a month. Supervisor Miller states cell phones were addressed whether they were needed or not. He believes the township is in the position where they do need cell phones. He then addresses FOIA accountability and says he doesn’t know what accountability per FOIA request means. If a member from the public FOIA’s for a copy of someone’s cell phone bill the bill should state where the calls went and where they came from so that the public can know whether they are being used for personal use or township business and right now we don’t have that right because people are getting their own bills said Gute. At the school anyone can FOIA my cell phone bill and anyone here could do the same said Campbell. Supervisor Miller asked Bob Delaney how long he had his phone (Bob stated over a year) and there has never been a problem. That’s right said Gute but it is not on a government account. Trustee Campbell said yes her bill is broken down at the school. We have not had a FOIA request yet but we could get one said Gute. Miller then questions attorney use and his unnecessary attendance of meetings, unnecessary use for information that can be obtained through MTA and other departments. He feels Lynn is necessary at the water meetings because the City always has two attorneys. Gute asked if she could address that since he was attacking her. She said it was that we had a fire truck bid and she didn’t feel we needed an attorney there while we sat for hours for them to decide on which truck. She also feels the board had already changed the contract and you took it upon yourself to go to Lynn and have him redo it (no fault of Lynn’s), however by not bringing it back to the board first we’re basically being charged twice. You’ll go to him, he changes it, then it comes back to us, we change it again and then it is back to him (attorney) again and Gute feels it should go to the board first. Supervisor Miller says he was not attacking the clerk and then questions under the building department it says necessary hours, tracking of educational credits and tracking of holidays and vacation. Are we saying that is not a necessity or are we doing too much asked Miller? You were at the meeting said Gute. It was the hours and who keeps track of vacation days or extra days off because she never gets slips stating if she should pay or not if extra days are taken above that said Gute. She felt the board should be tracking educational credits just to make sure credits are kept up and the board wasn’t paying for more classes than necessary. Miller mentions Bob driving the blazer so the township did not have to pay him mileage. Mr. Supervisor if you remember these were all suggestions of things to look at and I didn’t say people were necessarily doing it said Gute. I didn’t say you were said Miller. You were assuming it that way said Gute. You can say what ever you want Clerk Gute I am asking questions.
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You have down here cemetery supplies unnecessarily purchased said Miller. Gute said you bought … (cut off by Miller). I didn’t buy anything, said Miller. You bought supplies to do an oil change on the tractor at the cemetery and told the maintenance man to do an oil change said Gute. There are no tools up there for him to do that and no other cemetery maintenance person has ever done this, so now we have supplies sitting there for no reason said Gute. Incorrect said Miller. You gave me a letter from the cemetery caretaker and in that letter it said that an oil change was due. Gute agreed. You act, as a representative for this caretaker, there is no union representation in this township said Miller. Not that there is anything wrong with the union and I had never met the individual said Miller. I called him up and said I had never been out to the cemetery and I would like to meet him and I have been out there and I don’t know what your duties are, I’ve never met you and I set up a time for him to come in said Miller. You came busting in here as I stood there and I said what are you doing here and you said he is going to need representation if he is going to talk to you and you followed and came out to the cemetery said Miller. You gave me a piece of paper from the cemetery caretaker and he said an oil change was due. We went out there and an individual named Steve came from Alderman’s and he went through all of the maintenance and maintenance book and the oil was bought because of the 25 or 50 hours said Miller. Miller states he doesn’t know who has changed the oil in the past and assumed that if you were hiring someone for $450 and they are using the tractor that they ought to be able to change the oil. It was a necessity and when the caretaker was there he assumed that roll and there are witnesses that this is what happened said Miller. Mr. Supervisor there is a job description for the cemetery maintenance person said Gute. The cemetery maintenance person gave you that letter asking where he was suppose to get the oil change because before it was always taken to D&G’s before, though we bought it from Alderman’s. And I did not come busting in here. You had called our cemetery maintenance person accusing him of things and he called me and asked that I be there (as witness) said Gute. He has saved his cell phone messages. Perhaps you could get with him or we could invite him in and have him play them said Gute. Miller claims he has witnesses and can bring them. Gute said okay. Miller said when he (Todd) told Steve from Alderman’s that he understood what his job would be to take of the new Kabota and I thought that was alright. We had not even bought the Kabota yet said Gute.
Krajcovic says all her records indicate the General Fund should be $1,276,120.00 not 1,275,800.00 unless she missed something. Miller has $1,275,800.00 on his. Cudney has $1,275,800.00. Gute states she used figures Supervisor gave her.
Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Krajcovic to change the General Fund Budget to read $1,276,120.00 and to accept the remainder of the minutes as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes.
Treasurer’s Report: Attached to minutes. Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Campbell to accept the January 2010 treasurer’s report as printed. Roll Call: Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes.
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Public Comments: Opened at 7:41pm. Closed at 7:50 pm.
Resident Lee Wing questions why a Planning Commission meeting was cancelled and asked who cancelled it. It had to do with a conditional use permit for Redi Mix.
David Johnson addresses the board he states as a resident and not as a fire chief. He feels that whenever the negotiating team presents a contract and the board is comfortable with it they should approve it if they feel it is the best contract they can get.
Sheriff’s Dept. Rep./County/State Rep. Comments: Attached to minutes. The SCSD responded to one hundred and fifty five (155) incidents in Township during the month of February 2010.
Cemetery Report: Report on file. No income reported for the month of February 2010. Clerk Gute received a phone call from a Mr. Kerr. He was very upset with the trees that came down in the cemetery. One specifically on his grandparent’s gravesite! She knows the committee is considering cutting another tree or two down this year so we might want to keep in mind that some people bought a whole plot of gravesites for family stones and plant trees on. I feel it would be nice if we contacted those people before we just cut them down. I have heard that lilac bushes have come out and everything else said Gute. Trustee Schultz could see them being upset but it had to be cleaned up and it looks a lot better. I don’t think she (Gute) is disagreeing with that, or that any of us are, it’s just that she feels it would be nice to notify people first said Campbell. Gute explained some people bought 8 sites, 4 at the top and 4 at the bottom. What they did is, buried their loved ones in the bottom 4 lots and used the top sites for their stone and trees (those would be their trees & etc.).
Assessor Report – Board of Review: Report on file. Moved Clerk Gute, Second Treasurer Cudney to, adopt the 2010 Hardship Policy including the Federal Exemption and Access Test. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
Clerk Gute had requested the board of review minutes last month though she knows they are busy right now she hopes she receives them next month. Assessor Schweikert stated the clerk is the keeper of the legal documents so he and the Supervisor will get those for you. Treasurer Cudney states the IFT certificate for Georgia Pacific expired in 2008. Assessor Schweikert stated they should be on the ad-valorum by now.
Fire Report: Report on file.
Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Clerk Krajcovic to authorize the purchase of a cell phone and pay the cost of $29.99 per month for Chief Johnson and to include Bob Delaney in the plan if his phone can be changed over without additional costs. Roll Call: Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-No.
Ambulance Report: Report on file. MMR responded to a total of 47 calls for the month of January 2010. Ambulance 152 has a hole above the windshield. MMR is going to put epoxy in it for now and MMR is thinking of bringing in a new ambulance in another year or two.
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Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Report on file. Two (2) Mechanical permits and one (1) Building permit were issued in the month of February 2010 for a total of $318.00. Administrator Delaney states though the income is low it has been a very busy month. He has been getting a lot of calls on wind power and believes the Planning Commission is going to have to set down a lot of guidelines for it. He has also been getting a lot of calls regarding rental conditions. Clerk thanks Mr. Delaney for looking after township funds in that he has joined a Genesee County Training Council and will be taking most of his classes through them saving the Township motel costs for him to attend classes up north.
Unfinished Business:
a) Budget Submission and Adoption – Public Hearing:
2010-11 Ambulance Budget: Moved Clerk Gute, Second Treasurer Cudney to adopt the 2010-11 Ambulance Fund Budget with revenue and expenditures totaling $183,040.00 Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes.
2010-11 Cemetery Budget: Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Schultz to adopt the 2010-11 Cemetery Budget with revenue and expenditures totaling $30,310.00 Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes.
2010-11 Fire Budget: Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Treasurer Cudney to adopt, the 2010-11 Fire Budget with revenue and expenditures totaling $1,155,600.00. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes.
2010-11 Fire 2 Budget: Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Campbell to adopt, the 2010-11 Fire 2 Budget with revenue and expenditures totaling $243,700.00. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes.
2010-11 General Fund Budget: Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Treasurer Cudney to adopt the 2010-11 General Fund Budget with revenue and expenditures totaling $1,276,120.00. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes.
2010-11 Sewer Budget: Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Schultz to adopt, the 2010-11 Sewer Budget with revenue and expenditures totaling $1,164,000.00. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
2010-11 Water Budget: Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Treasurer Cudney to adopt, the 2010-11 Water Budget with revenue and expenditures totaling $138,400.00. Roll Call: Trustee Campbell-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes.
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b) Fire Hall # 2 Update: Supervisor Miller states the eaves trough would cost approximately $700.00. Where the roof needs re-crimping will cost approximately $400.00. Perrin would not do it until warmer weather. Clerk Gute felt Mike Berthume should be given first opportunity to re-crimp the roof. Gute felt it would be wrong for the board to hire Perrin to do it and then turn around and bill Mr. Berthume.
c) Annual Meeting Saturday, March 27, 2010, 9:00: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Campbell to cancel the March 27, 2010 Annual Meeting for this year only. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Supervisor Supervisor-Yes.
d) Gradall: The Board had discussed paying the gradall payment in full but the Clerk never received a bill for the full payment. Supervisor Miller will get with Lonny Latunski.
New Business:
a) SEDP – Justin Horvath: Justin reported on SEDP’s 2009 Annual report and 2010 Business Plan and asked that the board support SEDP for the coming year. Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Treasurer Cudney to support SEDP for the upcoming 2010-11 fiscal year in the amount of, $2,000. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
b) Burnham & Flower – Agent of Record: Supervisor Miller claims Trustee Krajcovic brought up 3 months ago that the board should get a couple of insurance bids. In doing so he called Burnham & Flower and asked Larry to send him what insurance we are in. So Larry Clever sent that to him (total B&F cost is $38,124.00 and $4,077 through Western). Larry said the Western policy does not coordinate benefits with Burnham & Flower, so coordinating coverage between Western and B&F could not be further from the truth. Miller states he would ask that the board give him the authority to contact Larry and tell him that they will cancel that policy through Melissa Benz and put it back under the auspices of B&F. Clerk Gute said she invited Melissa tonight and would let her speak.
Melissa states prior to her coming on board with Burnham & Flower the Provident Policy was placed with a company called C&A. C&A got off of that risk so Burnham & Flower had to roll it over into a different program. Provident took that program over and they wrote a policy as it was with C&A. It is a policy that they don’t sell.
The policy had separate supplements for different things in there and was just rolled over as an old policy she said. It was out of date and wasn’t brought up to date. Prior to her leaving Burnham & Flower another Township Supervisor whose husband was the fire chief passed away and when she delivered the check to her it was only $50,000.00. They had paid for a policy that valued $500,000.00 but she only got a check for $50,000.00. The reason that, that sub-limit was on there is because it was from an old C&A policy. Knowing this she contacted some of her old contacts and told them about this. Though the only way for her to review the policy for others was for her to be the agent of record so I could look at it said Melissa.
c) Annual Meeting Saturday, March 27, 2010, 9:00: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Campbell to cancel the March 27, 2010 Annual Meeting for this year only. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Supervisor Supervisor-Yes.
d) Gradall: The Board had discussed paying the gradall payment in full but the Clerk never received a bill for the full payment. Supervisor Miller will get with Lonny Latunski.
New Business:
a) SEDP – Justin Horvath: Justin reported on SEDP’s 2009 Annual report and 2010 Business Plan and asked that the board support SEDP for the coming year. Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Treasurer Cudney to support SEDP for the upcoming 2010-11 fiscal year in the amount of, $2,000. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
b) Burnham & Flower – Agent of Record: Supervisor Miller claims Trustee Krajcovic brought up 3 months ago that the board should get a couple of insurance bids. In doing so he called Burnham & Flower and asked Larry to send him what insurance we are in. So Larry Clever sent that to him (total B&F cost is $38,124.00 and $4,077 through Western). Larry said the Western policy does not coordinate benefits with Burnham & Flower, so coordinating coverage between Western and B&F could not be further from the truth. Miller states he would ask that the board give him the authority to contact Larry and tell him that they will cancel that policy through Melissa Benz and put it back under the auspices of B&F. Clerk Gute said she invited Melissa tonight and would let her speak.
Melissa states prior to her coming on board with Burnham & Flower the Provident Policy was placed with a company called C&A. C&A got off of that risk so Burnham & Flower had to roll it over into a different program. Provident took that program over and they wrote a policy as it was with C&A. It is a policy that they don’t sell.
The policy had separate supplements for different things in there and was just rolled over as an old policy she said. It was out of date and wasn’t brought up to date. Prior to her leaving Burnham & Flower another Township Supervisor whose husband was the fire chief passed away and when she delivered the check to her it was only $50,000.00. They had paid for a policy that valued $500,000.00 but she only got a check for $50,000.00. The reason that, that sub-limit was on there is because it was from an old C&A policy. Knowing this she contacted some of her old contacts and told them about this. Though the only way for her to review the policy for others was for her to be the agent of record so I could look at it said Melissa.
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After Melissa left B&F to work for Western Insurance she had a two-year non-compete. She spent those two years becoming very active in the Fire & EMS. She continues to work for all the companies B&F writes with and lobbies in Lansing for Fire/EMS and works for the State Fireman’s Association.
When she realized the Township did in fact have a $200,000 policy with a $50,000 heart and circulatory policy and knowing the leading cause of death for a firefighter is a heart attack she came out on a Saturday and gave a presentation for the entire fire department. I believe that it is in their best interest that they have someone who specializes in what they do said Melissa.
Miller asks Melissa what her interpretation or opinion is when it says nothing could be further from the truth that no longer is B&F the company we deal with and that Melissa at Western is scheduled to renew the policy. So what don’t I understand here Melissa, said Miller.
Melissa states she cannot speak on behalf of what someone else wrote. There is no umbrella and they don’t have an exclusive right to write it. Her only concern was to look at the policy.
Gute states there was no extra charge for this. It is a small $4,000 policy that we get for the firemen and all other insurance is with Burnham and Flower and this particular policy remains with Provident. Larry used to work for double day employee selling election supplies. Melissa has been an agent forever and is much easier to work with. I have called Larry to get things done and he doesn’t get back with me. I wanted to make sure the firemen were covered appropriately for that extra policy. This was only done so she could look at the policy said Gute.
Miller continues to question Melissa regarding the agent of record. We represent over 500 Townships. Her company is the largest agency that writes for the Michigan Township Participating Plan and all of her contacts have always been through the clerk said Melissa.
I look at it the same way as I do June. She gets to choose her banks. The clerk’s office handles the insurance I should be able to choose agents said Gute. Now had I have been changing actual insurance policies, well then, yes, it would come to the board. As far as the agent I have to deal with Melissa is much more helpful.
Krajcovic feels it should have come before the board. She realizes what Melissa did for the firemen, wonderful and she is glad they have the proper insurance for the heart attack. She doesn’t feel it was right to issue agent of record letters Krajcovic said.
Schultz agrees with Krajcovic. Gute reiterates this is a totally separate policy and the bill for it even comes at a different time than B&F comes.
Motion Clerk Gute, Second Trustee Campbell to retain/remain with Melissa Swims as the agent of record for the Provident Insurance Policy.
Discussion: But we are with the policy said Cudney. Yes, but to keep her as our agent said Gute. But that’s the way it is that wasn’t the issue was it asked Cudney. Well they want him (Miller) to call Larry and go back with him or something so I made the motion to stay with Melissa. It stops everyone from having to call said Gute. Yes, but that’s not a board decision though said Miller. I have a motion on the floor Gute said.
When she realized the Township did in fact have a $200,000 policy with a $50,000 heart and circulatory policy and knowing the leading cause of death for a firefighter is a heart attack she came out on a Saturday and gave a presentation for the entire fire department. I believe that it is in their best interest that they have someone who specializes in what they do said Melissa.
Miller asks Melissa what her interpretation or opinion is when it says nothing could be further from the truth that no longer is B&F the company we deal with and that Melissa at Western is scheduled to renew the policy. So what don’t I understand here Melissa, said Miller.
Melissa states she cannot speak on behalf of what someone else wrote. There is no umbrella and they don’t have an exclusive right to write it. Her only concern was to look at the policy.
Gute states there was no extra charge for this. It is a small $4,000 policy that we get for the firemen and all other insurance is with Burnham and Flower and this particular policy remains with Provident. Larry used to work for double day employee selling election supplies. Melissa has been an agent forever and is much easier to work with. I have called Larry to get things done and he doesn’t get back with me. I wanted to make sure the firemen were covered appropriately for that extra policy. This was only done so she could look at the policy said Gute.
Miller continues to question Melissa regarding the agent of record. We represent over 500 Townships. Her company is the largest agency that writes for the Michigan Township Participating Plan and all of her contacts have always been through the clerk said Melissa.
I look at it the same way as I do June. She gets to choose her banks. The clerk’s office handles the insurance I should be able to choose agents said Gute. Now had I have been changing actual insurance policies, well then, yes, it would come to the board. As far as the agent I have to deal with Melissa is much more helpful.
Krajcovic feels it should have come before the board. She realizes what Melissa did for the firemen, wonderful and she is glad they have the proper insurance for the heart attack. She doesn’t feel it was right to issue agent of record letters Krajcovic said.
Schultz agrees with Krajcovic. Gute reiterates this is a totally separate policy and the bill for it even comes at a different time than B&F comes.
Motion Clerk Gute, Second Trustee Campbell to retain/remain with Melissa Swims as the agent of record for the Provident Insurance Policy.
Discussion: But we are with the policy said Cudney. Yes, but to keep her as our agent said Gute. But that’s the way it is that wasn’t the issue was it asked Cudney. Well they want him (Miller) to call Larry and go back with him or something so I made the motion to stay with Melissa. It stops everyone from having to call said Gute. Yes, but that’s not a board decision though said Miller. I have a motion on the floor Gute said.
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None of the policy has changed and we’re just changing to an agent that is easier to deal with asked Campbell. Schultz asked if B&F had the policy first. Yes and Melissa was our agent at the time said Gute. Krajcovic continues to question Melissa regarding the agent of record letter and her no-compete time. Melissa answers her.
Chief Johnson said Melissa mentioned it was a $4,000 policy but that’s at $50,000 but we bumped it back up to $200,000, which would move that up to around an $8,000 policy. Krajcovic said in her opinion we need to get a bid back from Burnham & Flower.
There was no price change said Gute. Yes, I brought them an option and the firemen want to change it said Melissa.
So you showed up at a firefighting training session said Miller. Was that by invitation asked Miller. Correct said Melissa she and Dave had talked about it six weeks prior.
Schultz, Krajcovic and Miller continue to complain about this not coming to the board.
Resident Gute explained how the insurance worked when he was in office and felt the board was being petty.
Trustee Campbell felt Melissa was very well spoken and very knowledgeable and how she has helped our department and asked why we were nit picking this to death. This girl knows what she’s doing. She is going to help our clerk and help our fire department.
How long have you been with B&F Jayne do you know, asked Miller. I’m just saying why won’t we take this opportunity given to us right now said Campbell. We have been with B&F for a number of years said Miller. We have a great opportunity right now and I think the board should do that said Campbell.
Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-No, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-No, Supervisor Miller-No, Treasurer Cudney states it isn’t the policy it is the way that it was done that was wrong. It is over and done and this lady is very easy and she thinks she remembers this lady coming to the fire department. Whether that was approved or not approved by the previous Supervisor she doesn’t remember. Though she understands that way it was done was wrong but it’s done and over with so she is going to vote – Yes for her to be the contact person, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
Gute asks to go on record that she does not feel it was wrong. The insurance falls under the clerk’s office, there was no change in the policy and there was no monies exchanged or anything said Gute.
But the policy will change to $8,000 said Miller. Only if the firemen ask for it and they did ask for that at the budget meeting but the board does not have to approve that said Gute.
The vote was 3 to 3 so the motion dies.
Chief Johnson said Melissa mentioned it was a $4,000 policy but that’s at $50,000 but we bumped it back up to $200,000, which would move that up to around an $8,000 policy. Krajcovic said in her opinion we need to get a bid back from Burnham & Flower.
There was no price change said Gute. Yes, I brought them an option and the firemen want to change it said Melissa.
So you showed up at a firefighting training session said Miller. Was that by invitation asked Miller. Correct said Melissa she and Dave had talked about it six weeks prior.
Schultz, Krajcovic and Miller continue to complain about this not coming to the board.
Resident Gute explained how the insurance worked when he was in office and felt the board was being petty.
Trustee Campbell felt Melissa was very well spoken and very knowledgeable and how she has helped our department and asked why we were nit picking this to death. This girl knows what she’s doing. She is going to help our clerk and help our fire department.
How long have you been with B&F Jayne do you know, asked Miller. I’m just saying why won’t we take this opportunity given to us right now said Campbell. We have been with B&F for a number of years said Miller. We have a great opportunity right now and I think the board should do that said Campbell.
Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-No, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-No, Supervisor Miller-No, Treasurer Cudney states it isn’t the policy it is the way that it was done that was wrong. It is over and done and this lady is very easy and she thinks she remembers this lady coming to the fire department. Whether that was approved or not approved by the previous Supervisor she doesn’t remember. Though she understands that way it was done was wrong but it’s done and over with so she is going to vote – Yes for her to be the contact person, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
Gute asks to go on record that she does not feel it was wrong. The insurance falls under the clerk’s office, there was no change in the policy and there was no monies exchanged or anything said Gute.
But the policy will change to $8,000 said Miller. Only if the firemen ask for it and they did ask for that at the budget meeting but the board does not have to approve that said Gute.
The vote was 3 to 3 so the motion dies.
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Cudney asks what the board could do other than to sit here and argue. We need to work as a team so what can we do to move forward asked Cudney. Mike Ormstead left and we do not get the service we used to get said Gute. Even work comp we haven’t been happy. I do understand the problem also but, what can we do, to solve it to go forward asked Cudney.
Like June said maybe it wasn’t done the right way but we do have to work as a team and as a board to help everyone else. This lady has all her wonderful qualities and this board doesn’t want to do this because they think it wasn’t done right why wouldn’t you want to take an opportunity of this lady that is going to help these people asked Campbell. I don’t understand. Is it because you are mad you don’t want to do it? I mean, come on, what is wrong with you people all night long it has been like this said Campbell.
Melissa states she does have access to two other carriers that do provide the same type of coverage. She works with McNeil Co and with VFIS, which is a program our fire department utilizes. She bids it out to her carriers and looks at everything reasonable premium and coverage wise to get other quotes. She feels Provident is the best program out there and when Provident is busy and can’t attend conference they call her to attend. Will I give you options or will I bid it out every year? Absolutely! Though I believe Provident is the right one said Melissa.
Cudney asked resident Richard Gute if when he was Supervisor did the board approve something to go with Melissa because, she remembered Melissa coming to a meeting.
Like clerk Gute said the clerk always took care of that, though if there was going to be a policy change or wording change or if we took bids it came before the board said Mr. Gute. It shouldn’t matter to, the board who you deal with for a sales rep or agent. It doesn’t matter. You try to work with the person you can work with best. It was Melissa that pointed this out to us (firemen) that if anyone had died they would have only got $50,000 instead of $500,000. Now for her efforts in coming and telling us all this you want to give it back to a guy who wasn’t serving us. It’s a little sad to say the least, said Mr. Gute.
Chief Johnson says he has known Melissa since the summer. He met her at one of our functions and she is representative of Provident Insurance and I suppose there are a lot of representatives of Provident around the country. She is quoting insurance for the Michigan Fireman’s Association we currently have it with subsequent providers. As fire chief he is concerned that we get the policy back up to the $200,000 so that his guys are covered. It’s a Provident policy whether you want to deal through B&F or whether you want to deal with Melissa.
Clerk Gute asked Melissa how many clerk’s changed. Melissa said all of them that she works with.
Resident Mike Law states he has been on the department for 10 years and this was the first time that he has ever seen an insurance agent. For Melissa to come and give the presentation she did made us all feel better, about what we do. Instead of them thinking their wife would get a $500,000 check and then they, only give them $50,000 and Melissa is fighting over in Lansing just to right that.
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Campbell states she just changed insurance companies because it’s your agent that makes it good. It is not the company and I will stand by that clerk assessment because I have been dealing with that. It was her agent that was going to make that better and that is the main thing.
Firefighter Hittle states whether it was a $500,000 policy or $200,000 policy it was going to be better for his wife and son than a $50,000 policy. The board stated they were not opposed to that.
Clerk Gute said this is the clerk’s job. Krajcovic says Judy you’re always saying that. I always here things should come before the board. Yes, I think it should have been changed a long time ago so that our firemen had their $500,000 coverage. Melissa states she wants the board to know that this is not a $500,000 policy it was a $200,000 policy.
Gute stated bank accounts were moved and asked Treasurer Cudney if she (Cudney) had asked the board if she could do that. Cudney stated no. It was part of your job right asked Gute. We just do the duties of our office.
Cudney said let’s just do the job and move forward and solve the problem said Cudney. It’s to the board now and I think we have to make the right decision. Moved Trustee Campbell, Second Treasurer Cudney to, retain the services of Melissa Swims for the Provident Policy. Discussion: Krajcovic asked if Melissa has the agent of record what is, B&F going to have. They won’t have it said Melissa. But we can’t have two agents of record letters out there said Krajcovic. That is true said Melissa and you want to go back to B&F then you sign another agent of record letter to appoint them as your agent. Krajcovic says she is confused. But if we had them (B&F) and we go with you, then, that is two policies said Schultz. No you wouldn’t it is either or, said Melissa.
Resident Terry Smigelski states we are only talking about one policy here so she will have the letter for this policy and B&F will have the letter for all the other policies so why… (cut off) Miller states there is a motion on the floor and requests roll call.
Roll Call: Trustee Schultz-Yes, Supervisor Miller-No, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes.
Melissa thanks the board and said she never meant to step on anyone’s toes. She will make sure she sends communication to everyone from now on. She would like everyone to know she stays on top of this and that she is in the process right now of writing an insurance program in Lansing that should be ready by July 1 for workers comp because Accident Fund is going to get off all risk for EMS and Fire Departments. (43 min)
c) Recommended Road Projects: Road Projects are coming in under budget.
d) Weed Bid: Clerk to place the bid advertisement and notice in paper.
e) 2009-10 Amended Budgets: Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Trustee Schultz to adopt the 2009-10 Amended Ambulance Budget at $183,040. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
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Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Schutlz to adopt the 2009-10 Amended Cemetery Budget at $30,310.00.. Roll Call: Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes.
Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Schultz to, adopt the 2009-10 Amended General Fund Budget $1,275.800. Roll Call: Trustee Campbell-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes.
Payment of Bills: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Treasurer Cudney to approve the February 28, 2010 through March 08, 2010 checklist for the payment of bills. Roll Call: Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes. Ambulance Check #1365, Cemetery checks – 984 – 987, Fire checks 3545 – 3590, General Fund checks 4396 – 4426, Sewer checks 364 – 365, T & A checks 2016 – 2019 and Water checks 563 – 565 shall be released for payment.
Public Comments: Opened @ 9:40 pm. Closed @ 9:48 pm.
Resident Marvin Britton wants to know why no one has been in contact with him regarding Redi Mix. He wants a second opinion on the wall. He feels Redi Mix is in contempt of court and he is ready to go to court. He says Supervisor Miller keeps saying he has talked with everyone else and when he (Marv) talks with them they tell him (Marv), they have never talked with you (Miller). Miller will get with him later.
Resident Mike Law thanks the board for coming together and deciding what was best for everyone and said Melissa is working hard for all firefighters in the state. He would also like to know if the board agreed that if he owned a plot in the cemetery and he had a tree or bush or whatever that I should be notified if it is going to be cut down or torn out. Krajcovic said no. He wondered if the board thought it was okay for him to come to their house and take it out. Krajcovic says she thinks the township needs to modify their rules so everyone knows them. Gute informed the board that the people of Owosso Township used to own the cemetery until the townships took them over and those people may have put a tree on their own purchased plot(s).
Board Reports and Comments: Trustee Schultz passed out the minutes from the Utility Authority meeting and stated he filled in for Trustee Archer at the WWTP meeting. Clerk Gute states she had received a FOIA request from the Supervisor and just wanted to let him know it was not necessary for him to do that. All he had to do was ask her and she would have given him the information. She states we need to let Joy Archer know that she gets paid for attending the WWTP meetings and asked if Schultz would get with her and let her know she needs to turn in for pay for that. Regarding the Attorney bill Gute said it shows Supervisor Miller spoke with Attorney Bowne regarding Delaney Rd property and asked what that was about. Attorney Bowne said Bob Ardelean has interest in purchasing the Township owned property on Delaney Rd. for storing concrete and crushing purposes. Gute believes only a portion of the Township property was zoned industrial for Woodard’s.
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Gute said Mr. Ardelean owns property on N. M52 and the board might be interested in working out a deal with him regarding some property out there for a possible location for a water tower.
Motion Clerk Gute that all water meetings are posted on the outside bulletin board as official public meetings and that all board members will be notified of such meetings. We are basically out of the business section of our meeting, said Miller. We have done this before said Gute. Trustee Campbell said Trustee Schultz did say at the water meeting that he would post it. Schultz now remembers saying he would do that. I think you have asked three (3) people to go ahead and be the negotiating team I don’t think you can tie their hands said Miller. We are not going to, said Gute. Trustee Schultz said he would post it and notify Gute as well. Gute thanked him. Treasurer Cudney asked the board if they still wanted to charge the escrow companies to get the tax information from BS&A. She feels they should still pay for it and if the board did that then the Township would have to pay $3,000. Consensus of the board was to continue as is.
Adjournment: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Campbell to adjourn at 10:03 p.m. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy K. Gute
Owosso Charter Township, clerk
Danny C. Miller
Owosso Charter Township, supervisor