Attorney Lynne Bowne took the minutes.....
I may never see them in electronic format and I'm not going to type them.
Page 10 The Sunday Independent • Sunday, April 3, 2011
State of Michigan
County of Shiawassee
Charter Township of Owosso
Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday, March 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in the Township Board Room located at 2998 W. M-21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.
1. CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge to the Flag.
2. ROLL CALL: Supervisor Miller (Chair)-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trust-ee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes. Clerk Gute was hospitalized.
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney Lynn Bowne, fi re Chief David Johnson, Asst. Chief Mike Thornburg, Building/Zoning Administrator Robert Delaney, Assessor Steve Schweikert and MMR Paramedic Supervisor Jason McDonald.
3. AGENDA: Under “13. Unfi nished Business” New item “D” Line Item Amendments to 2010 Budget was added; under “14. New Business,” subparagraph F. Arrow Construction-authorization to pay bill and subparagraph G. Roads 2011 were added. Motion by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic to approve Agenda with additions; discussion; upon Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes that the Agenda is approved with additions.
4. MINUTES-PREVIOUS MEETING: a. Budget Workshop, Special session of February 3, 2011, the minutes are amended to refl ect that it was a budget work-shop. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed unanimously.b. Meeting of February 14, 2011, Motion by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Schultz. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Supervisor Miller-No, Trustee Schultz-No, Trustee Krajcovic-No. Motion did not pass.
5. TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by Trustee Schultz to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
6. Public Comments: a. Mrs. Stevens stated she wants details to the minutes. b. Kirk Elliott, commented on individuals exceeding the speed limit at 711 W. Wilkinson Road. c. Mike Thorton, said to consider priorities on roads as to what really needs to be done. d. Jim Sparks, objects to Mason Road being tore up.
7. Sheriff’s Department: No report given.
8. Cemetery Report: No sale or burial for the previous month.
9. Assessor’s Report: The report was accepted as presented; Board of Review went well.
10. Fire Report: Report on fi le; report was accepted. The department responded to 14 runs in the month of February; the general public is invited to the annual meeting as they will be allowed to ride in the new fi re truck pursuant to permission from the insurance company. a. Board Action: Motion was made by Trustee Schultz to give a raise of $200.00 per month to the Chief Engineer making a total monthly payment of $400.00; Seconded by Treasurer Cudney. Discussion: ensued. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-No. Motion passed. b. Motion was made by Supervisor Miller to increase the Fire Chief’s monthly wages by $200.00. Seconded by Treasurer Cudney. Discussion: ensued with it being made clear that the total monthly compensation would be 600.00. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
11. Ambulance Report: Report submitted by Jason McDonald, Supervisor. Jason McDonald reported that they were proud of being accredited for 14 straight years; runs were down for January; fi nancially the operation looks good.
12. Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Report received. Nine (9) permits had been issued in the last month; VGs is making a $350,000.00 renovation.
13. Unfi nished Business:
A. Web Site: Tabled due to illness of presenter.
B. Budget Submission/Adoption for 2011-2012 Fiscal Year
1. Ambulance Fund: Motion made by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney, that the total budget in the amount of $293,440.00 be approved. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer- Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
2. Cemetery Fund: Motion made by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Schultz that the proposed budget in the amount of $36,445.00 be approved. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
3. Fire Fund #2 (1/2 mil): Motion made by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Trustee Schultz that the proposed budget in the amount of $85,300.00 be approved. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller- Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz- Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
4. Fire Operating Fund: Motion made by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Schultz that the proposed budget in the amount of $1,299,550.00 be approved. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
5. General Operating Fund: Motion made by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Trustee Schultz that the proposed budget in the amount of $1,431,800.00 be approved. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
6. Capital Improvement Revolving Fund: Motion made by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Campbell that the proposed budget in the amount of $100,100.00 be approved. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
7. Sewer Fund: Motion made by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney that the proposed budget in the amount of $1,241,000.00 be approved. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer- Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
8. Water Fund: Motion made by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Schultz that the proposed budget in the amount of $161,500.00 be approved. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
C. Cemetery: Motion made by Trustee Schultz to pay a bill to Constine, Inc. with regard to a re-dig in the amount of $100.00 and to be paid at the April monthly meeting. Seconded by Treasurer Cudney. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney- Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz- Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
D. Line Item Amendment to 2010-2011 Budget. Please refer to the attached Line Item Amendments with regard to the Cemetery; Fire Fund #2; Fire Fund; General Fund; and Water Fund. Motion made by Trustee Krajcovic that the Line Item Amendments as attached hereto be approved and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer- Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
14. New Business:
A. WWTP Resolution – Joe Sawyer, Corunna City Manager presented an Addendum to the Sewer Service Agreement Between the City of Owosso, City of Corunna, Charter Township of Owosso and Charter Township of Caledonia, which is attached hereto. Trustee Schultz moved that Owosso Charter Township adopt the Addendum and Seconded by Trustee Archer. Discussion: Ensued. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller- Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried. Attached hereto is a letter by Clerk Gute with questions concerned with the Sewer Service Agreement; and which questions were asked and answered.
B. SEDP – (Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership) Justin Horvath reported and requested continued fi nancial support by the township. Motion made by Supervisor Miller and Seconded by Trustee Schultz that the township invest $3,000.00 for the new fi scal year. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
C. Seconded Chance Wood – Tabled as the individual was unable to be present.
D. Weed Commissioner Bids for 2011 – There will be a communication published in the newspaper for Weed Commissioner.
E. MAGNET – No action for funding as there was no support.
F. ARROW CONSTRUCTION - Motion made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic that Arrow Construction be paid $400.00 for parking lot repair at fi re hall #2. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz- Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried.
G. Roads 2011 – Discussion ensued as to which roads should be improved or not improved. Supervisor Miller will go to the Road Commission and discuss more options to scale back some projects.
15. Payment of Bills: Motion made by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic that the bills be approved as presented. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
16. Public Comments: A. Mike Thorton complimented Fire Chief, Dave Johnson for saving the township money and complimented him for use of foam in fi refi ghting. B. Dale Roszman, County Commissioner of District 6, gave a report.
17. Communications/Board Comments/Reports: Trustee Archer gave an update on the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Trustee Krajcovic commented on the the amount of unpaid personal property taxes owed to the township. Manager Joe Sawyer gave a thank you to the township.
18. Adjournment: Motion made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic that the meeting be adjourned. All voted in favor and Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn D. Bowne Appointed as Secretary in the absence of hospitalized Township Clerk, Judy Gute