Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2009-03-09 Synopsis

Charter Township of Owosso
Minute Synopsis – March 09, 2009

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday March 09, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.

Members in attendance: Supervisor Miller, Trustee Campbell, Treasurer
Cudney, Trustee Krajcovic, Trustee Schultz, Trustee Archer, Clerk Gute.

Items of Business Approved:
a) Agenda
b) 02-09-09 Minutes
c) 01-31-09 Treasurer Report
d) Support SEDP in the amount of $2,000
e) Contract with Demis & Wenzlick to conduct 2008-09 Audit
f) Amend 2008-09 Budget
g) Payment of Bills

Adjournment: 8:32 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy K. Gute, clerk
A copy of the complete minutes are available to the public upon request by contacting the clerk @ (989) 725-1709 ext 2. The next regular board meeting will be held on April 13, 2009 @ 7:00 p.m.

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