Thursday, January 13, 2011

2011-01-10 video/ Synopsis of Minutes

(Strike this last two videos)

First Public Comments Part 1 of 2

First Public Comments Part 2 of 2

Unfinished Business
Water Agreement part 1 of 2

Unfinished Business
Water Agreement Part 2 of 2

Second Public Comments Part 1 of 2

Second Public Comments Part 2 of 2

Second Public Comments
Honorable Mention
Jim Hunt
Williamston Products

Second Public Comments
Dishonorable Mention
Supervisor Miller - "Newsletter, what newsletter?"

Board Comments/Reports and addtnl
Public Comments Part 1 of 2

Board Comments/Reports and addtnl
Public Comments Part 2 of 2

Payment of Bills Part 1 of 1

Strike This

add some wording that this guy supposedly said (he didn't)


Charter Township of Owosso

Minutes Synopsis

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in Regular Session on Monday January 10, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.

Roll Call: Archer, Campbell, Cudney, Gute, Miller, Schultz, Krajcovic.

Approved: 1) Agenda. 2) 12/13/10 Minutes. 3) 11/30/10 Treasurer Report. 4) Fire Dept. Radios. 5) Unfinished Business A)

Water Contract:

Supervisor Miller: We need a motion to have discussion.

Treasurer Cudney: I’ll make that motion.

Trustee Schultz: Support.

Supervisor Miller: We have a motion. Well what would the motion be, to enter into a contract?

Treasurer Cudney: You said to have a discussion so I did.

Supervisor Miller: Well okay. I wanted something definitive.

Treasurer Cudney: You didn’t say that.

Supervisor Miller: No I did not say definitive.

Treasurer Cudney: You have to say what you want in the motion.

Supervisor Miller: Okay. Diane, do you want to make a motion?

Clerk Gute: I’ll make a motion.

Moved Clerk Gute to adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, due to the fact that the electors of Owosso Charter Township soundly defeated a 2002-03 municipal water project that did include obtaining water from either the city of Owosso or constructing a township owned treatment facility and;

Whereas, due to the fact that 60% of the township residents have not petitioned for municipal water since that election and;

Whereas, due to the fact that the township has always bargained in good faith to reach a workable water agreement with the city of Owosso for some 30+ years and has never been able to achieve a win, win contract between both parties and;

Whereas, due to the state of the economy, now is not the time to enter into such an agreement with unknown expenses and;

Whereas, due to the fact that board members took an oath to uphold the Constitution of this state,

Therefore, Owosso Charter Township will discontinue water negotiations with the city of Owosso.

Supervisor Miller: Is there a second? Hearing none the motion dies lack of second.

Trustee Krajcovic: I would like to..

Supervisor Miller: Diane.

Trustee Krajcovic: First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank present and past township and city officials for their many hours of hard work over the past several years negotiating in good faith the proposed water agreement. I would also like to thank Caledonia Township officials, numerous statewide township officials, Township attorney Lynn Bowne and MTA for their counsel and input as well as Tom Newhof of Prein & Newhof for his knowledge and valuable suggestions.

I offer the following Motion, a Motion to enter into the condensed, presented Water Agreement with the City of Owosso to help grow, develop and protect Owosso Charter Township by offering a reasonable source of portable water and authorize and direct Supervisor, Danny Miller to sign on behalf of Owosso Charter Township the presented Water Agreement.

Clerk Gute: I would like to ask before, well go ahead and get your second.

Supervisor Miller: Is there a second.

Trustee Schultz: I’ll support that.

Supervisor Miller: There is a second by Trustee Schultz. Motion by Trustee Krajcovic to enter into this condensed version of or …this contract with the city of Owosso. Second by Gary. Board member comments, discussion, go.


Clerk Gute: Yes, I would like to ask that when this comes to vote that Trustee Krajcovic abstain from voting due to the direct …to her business, it’s going to help her business. The sale of her property such as Mr. Kruger just said during his public comments. It’s a direct benefit for the sale of the property.

Supervisor Miller: She has an obligation to vote. She has that willingness to vote yes or no. Okay, anybody else …discussion.

Trustee Archer: I would just like to say being one of the newest board members I did go back and try to read over the different contracts that were provided before and then all of what Judy had done last year. The work that she had and in comparing some of the things she had outlined in there that I feel really weren’t a deterrent under the new contract that we are looking at. But I kept referencing back to …I’m real into reading the Michigan Township News because I really feel this gives me some information that she can go by. In April of this year they hit highly on working with municipalities to basically not reinvent the wheel but to work together to make it a better project for everyone, to offer to our community and to work together with our municipalities and to offer to our constituents what we can. And as it was brought up, it …is voluntary. Not everyone in this township is going to have to pay into this. There might be some fees but it’s still …it’s gonna help grow our township. And this article, I just kept going back and forth to it. And many of the things that Judy had in her last article in the paper I numbered her paragraph and I came back to this article was able to defend everything in this article what we are doing. I feel very strong.

Clerk Gute: I would like to know, in your news article Danny you stated that we got a second opinion from attorney Fahey. Has the board got that opinion and if so why was it not given to me or provided to me?

Supervisor Miller: My comment was that a third opinion was and Bill Fahey’s name was mentioned and you said you had called him and I went on what you had said and you said you had contact with Mr. Fahey.

Clerk Gute: Yes I did, however…

Supervisor Miller: Thank you. Therefore we had an opinion. The other thing is we even sent it to Prein and Newhof and Prein and Newhof dealing with water and water issues on a daily basis and throughout the many years that they have been business as engineers they also reviewed this. And we took that. So you did have that opinion.

Clerk Gute: Mr. Miller Prien and Newhof is not an attorney firm. Prein and Newhof was given the agreement to see if it was a workable system for us. Prein and Newhof stated on numerous occasions they were not attorneys. I contacted Bill Fahey regarding water rates. Bill Fahey did not do a second opinion on the entire contract.

Supervisor Miller: I cannot believe that after you had talked to Bill Fahey that you did not get an opinion and one that you wanted Judy. So therefore, I don’t think that, that was a misconception at all.

Clerk Gute: I did not have the authority from the board to pay for it. They have not reviewed the entire contract.

Supervisor Miller: You said Supervisor Miller took it off the table. Supervisor Miller never once took it off the table. Never once said no to it.

Clerk Gute: Then lets reflect to the minutes. (Note: Past minutes)

Supervisor Miller: We’ll reflect it in the minutes that Supervisor Miller never said no.

Clerk Gute: And you kept saying we already had the second opinion and we have not.

Supervisor Miller: And I quote and I quote from Prein and Newhof “Perrr the re …Perrr the request from Judy Gute and Township attorney Lynn Bowne. That was from Prein and Newhof. Never came off. You did not you said that you had made contact with Bill Fahey. I did not in any way misinterpret what I put in the paper.

Clerk Gute: Board, have we had a second opinion on this entire contract?

Supervisor Miller: I don’t believe that we are going to discuss what we

Clerk Gute: Danny I have the floor you continually choose to cut people off and not let them get their point across. It always has to be your point.

Supervisor Miller: Oh Judy, come on. Come on Judy you say that every time.

Clerk Gute: Board has this board received an opinion on the entire contract as we stated we would by an attorney.

Miller: We have received it from our attorney and our attorney was real close.

Clerk Gute: Would you let the board answer Danny?

Supervisor Miller: And I am returning your call.

Trustee Schultz: He’s doing a good job.

Supervisor Miller: Moving on, any other

Clerk Gute: This is the biggest, biggest strong-arm attempt that I have ever seen.

Trustee Schultz: Well I’m gonna, gonna call the question. I’m gonna call the question.

Supervisor Miller: Questions been called. Anybody else? Questions been called. Would you read your …just the motion please.

Trustee Krajcovic: Motion to enter into the condensed, presented Water Agreement with the City of Owosso to help grow, develop and protect Owosso Charter Township by offering a reasonable source of potable water and authorize and direct Supervisor, Danny Miller to sign on behalf of Owosso Charter Township the presented Water Agreement.

Supervisor Miller: Thank you. We had discussion. Roll call please.

Roll Call: Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Clerk Gute-No, Trustee Campbell-No (but the reason is because I think it is going to be too expensive for our customers), Trustee Schultz-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes.

6. Payment of Bills. 7. Adjournment: 8:05 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy K. Gute, clerk

A complete copy of the minutes are available to the public upon request by contacting the clerk @ (989) 725-1709 ext 2.

March Meetings: Regular Board Mtg. & Public Hearing Budget Adoption Monday, March 14, 2011 @ 7:00 P.M. Purposed budgets will be available for public inspection at the Township offices March 7-9th from 8:00 to 10:00 A.M. Annual Meeting Saturday, March 26, 2011 @ 9:00 A.M

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