2998 W. M-21, Owosso, MI
APRIL 13, 2011 - 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order - Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda Approval
4. Minutes - Previous Meetings
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Public Comments (Comments are limited to 3 minutes per person per each public comment
portion of the agenda. Please give your name and address before commenting. A public
comment may be submitted in letter form to be attached to the minutes.)
7. Sheriff’s Dept. Rep. / County / State Rep. Comments
8. Cemetery Report
9. Assessor’s Report
10. Fire Report
11. Ambulance Report
12. Building Inspector / Code Enforcer Report
13. Unfinished Business
A. Web Site Presentation - Mr. Doug Cornell
B. Second Chance Wood - Mr. Tadd Morris
C. Cemetery - tree bid, signs, care taker
D. Roads - 2011 Project
E. Weed Commissioner Bids for 2011
14. New Business
A. Medical Marijuana - Planning Commission
B. M.T.A. - Workmen’s Comp. - Mr. Jason Ortman
15. Payment of Bills
16. Public Comments
17. Communications / Board Comments / Reports
18. Adjournment
State of MichiganCounty of Shiawassee
Charter Township of Owosso
Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in the Township Board Room located at 2998 W. M-21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.
1. CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion made by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Schultz to have Attorney Lynn D. Bowne take the minutes for the meeting. Motion passed 5 yeas; 0 nays.
2. ROLL CALL: Supervisor Miller (Chair)-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Archer-Absent, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes. Clerk Gute was hospitalized/seriously ill.
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney Lynn Bowne, fire Chief David Johnson, Asst. Chief Mike Thornburg, Building/Zoning Administrator Robert Delaney.
3. AGENDA: Motion by Trustee Schultz to approve agenda and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic: No discussion; Vote: 5 yeas; 0 nays
a. Meeting of March 14, 2011, Motion by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
5. TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by Trustee Schultz to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; Seconded by Treasurer Cudney. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
6. Public Comments:
Eddie Louch of Crooked Tree Nursery in Bennington Township, concerned about a competing business following the township zoning ordinance of Owosso Charter Township.
7. Sheriff’s Department Report: Treasurer Cudney reported that the information she received was that there were 205 responses in March, 2011, to various incidents in the township.
8. Cemetery Report: No sale or burial for the previous month.
9. Assessor’s Report: No report given as Assessor was on vacation.
10. Fire Report: Report on file; report was accepted. The department responded to 14 alarms in March. March 2011 is 18 runs behind March 2010. There will be a car wash on May 21, 2011 at VG’s.
a. Motion was made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic to have Argus Hazco perform air pack testing at $45.00 per air pack. Discussion: ensued. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
b. Motion was made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney to sell Fire Engine #2 to the Village/City of Lake Goegeic in the Upper Peninsula for $12,000.00. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
11. Ambulance Report: Report deferred to next month.
12. Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Report received. Five (5) permits ahead of March, 2010; construction is picking up. Sunoco will expand. The Planning Commission will meet on April 27, 2011 for public hearings and discussion of medical marijuana regulations.
13. Unfinished Business:
A. Roads/2011 Project: Managing Director of the Shiawassee County Road Commission Lonnie Latunski gave a revised report and gave a recommendation and costs concerning 2011 road projects within the township. Discussion: ensued. Motion by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney to asphalt Cope Drive, Cloverbrook Drive and Evergreen Court; gravel Wilkinson Road from Wade Road to Bruce Road; to fix rutted areas west of Wade Road on Mason Road; to mineral well brine recommended roads Burning Tree at $35,000.00; with the total cost for all road projects not to exceed $200,000.00. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion carried
Motion by Supervisor Miller and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic for the township to enter into a contract with George Zimko to pay the township, no later than September, 2011, the sum of $7,600.00 for his contribution for the Mason Road improvement; Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
B. Second Chance Wood: A report by Tadd Morris about the nature of the business he was involved in. He reclaimed wood from furniture, hard wood floors and barns. Discussion ensued regarding the “Dick farm” buildings as to Second Chance Wood’s ability to utilize such structures in their operation. Representation made by Tadd Morris that by the end of the summer, 2011, Second Chance Wood could take down the barns.
Motion by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Trustee Schultz to contract with Second Chance Wood for removal of the buildings on the land known as the “Dick farm” for lumber reclamation with no charge to the township. Discussion. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
C. Cemetery:
1. Tree Bid for Trimming: The bid was given by Greg Winert. Discussion: ensued; and the matter was tabled.
2. Signs: Discussion: ensued regarding having the placement of 8” x 24” laminated signs updated by Agnew.
Motion by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic to purchase for $60.00 from Agnew Sign Company an 8” x 24” laminated sign concerning the cemetery rules and regulations; and a second sign for $75.00, a 3ft. x 7 ft. sign to be placed upon the building. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
3. Caretaker: Statement made by Supervisor Miller that the caretaker is an employee-at-will; and can be let go for no reason at all or any reason.
Motion by Supervisor Miller that the township caretaker be terminated as an employee; Seconded by Trustee Schultz. Discussion ensued. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-No, Trustee Campbell-No, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-No. Motion failed.
D. Website: Jim Forsythe of Bennington Township made a presentation on the history and development of websites. The matter was tabled.
E. Weed Bids for 2011: Two bids were presented to the Board.
1. First bid was by Josh Manassa setting forth $65.00 per hour; bidder had insurance; bidder cuts weeds for Caledonia Charter Township.
2. Second bid was presented by Burt’s Lawn Maintenance setting forth $50.00 per hour but was out of Durand; and also had insurance.
Motion by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Jayne Campbell to hire Josh Manassa for purposes of cutting weeds in the township; additionally, this person was not to give notices to the property owners. Discussion: ensued. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
14. New Business:
A. Medical Marijuana – Communication made that there will be a Planning Commission meeting in April for discussing the issue of medical marijuana issue within the township.
B. A Michigan Township Association Staffer, Tom Parks spoke on the MTA self-insurance fund for purposes of Workman’s Compensation Insurance. The program could save the township money annually on Workman’s Compensation Insurance coverage. No action taken; the matter will be discussed at the May Township Board meeting.
15. Payment of Bills: Motion made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney to approve bills. Discussion: Ensued regarding check number 4816; and a couple other checks. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
16. Public Comments:
A. Mike Thorton commented about Dewey Road between Ruess Road and Baldwin being in disrepair.
17. Communications/Board Comments/Reports:
A. Trustee Campbell commented that Clerk Gute was extremely sick; is now home and requested prayers for her.
B. Treasurer Cudney also commented on a prayer request for Clerk Gute expressing concern for her well-being.
C. Supervisor Miller commented on BSNA line item; and on the population decline within the township.
18. Adjournment: Motion made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic that the meeting be adjourned. 5 yeas; 0 nays. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn D. Bowne Appointed as Secretary in the absence Township Clerk, Judy Gute
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