Owosso Charter Township
Regular Board Meeting
April 16, 2012 7:00 P.M.
Supervisor Miller called the regular meeting of the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 p.m. Supervisor Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Trustee Schultz, Trustee Krajcovic, Clerk Delaney, Supervisor Miller, Treasurer Cudney, Trustee Campbell, and Trustee Archer.
Others Present:
Attorney Lynn Bowne, Fire Chief Johnson, Assistant Fire Chief Thornburg, Assessor Steve Schweikert and Building/Zoning Administrator Bob Delaney.
Moved by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Treasurer Cudney to accept the agenda with the addition of Williamston Products and the Cemetery Building under Unfi nished Business as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes-Previous Meeting:
Moved by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Treasurer Cudney to approve the minutes from March 12, 2012 meeting as presented.
Roll Call:
Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Delaney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Moved by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Trustee Krajcovic to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Roll Call: Trustee Schultz- Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Clerk Delaney-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.
Supervisor Miller recognized County Commissioner Dale Roszman and
County Commissioner Ron Elder. They gave reports on county activities.
Public Comments:
Brent Jones, representing the SEDP stated there is an open house at Crest Marine on April 24, 2012 to see the progress the company has made in the last two (2) years.
Sheriff’s Report:
No report given.
Cemetery Report:
On file.
Assessor’s Report:
Thirteen (13) appeals, lowest in many years. Complete report on fi le.
Fire Report:
Assistant Fire Chief Thornburg demonstrated the new fi re suits they obtained from a DNR grant. Complete report is on fi le.
Ambulance Report:
Justin McDonald introduced Janeen, supervisor of the Durand MMR. MMR also wanted to thank the Owosso Charter Township Fire Department for their assistance on some diffi cult calls. They did an excellent job.
Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Twenty-two (22) permits totaling $4800.00.
Unfi nished Business:
A. Williamston Products-
Brent Jones, Product Specialist SEDP, gave an update on the grant project given to them by the Township and possible giving them an extension further down the road. Reimbursement of $20,000.00 was given after the fi rst twenty-fi ve (25) people were hired and the second payment is at the State to be processed.
B. Website Update-
Report will be given at the May meeting.
C. Weed-Bid-
Sealed weed bids were opened. There were three (3) bids: Richard Gute, Benjamin Redmond, and Josh Manausa. Motion by Treasurer Cudney and seconded by Trustee Schultz to have Dick Gute mow the weeds at a rate of $50.00 minimum, $53.00 an hour utilizing quarter hour increments with a monthly report to the board. 6 Ayes, 1 abstained. Motion passed.
D. Industrial Park- Bob Ardelean-Land Purchase and Survey
Mr. Bob Ardelean is in the process of purchasing property in the industrial park. There was discussion on the right of way and surveying. Mr. Ardelean stated he had the property surveyed but upon checking the survey that would make the property land locked. Mr. Ardelean gave back 100 foot plus had the property surveyed again at an extra cost. Supervisor Miller will meet with Attorney Bowne to discuss this matter and bring it back to the May meeting.
Resolution needed for Les Thomas- Motion by Trustee Schultz to adopt the FEMA fl ood plain management ordinance by the provisions of the state construction code. Seconded by Trustee Archer. Motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
A. May 2nd Sewer Authority Meeting-
Trustee Schultz stated there will be a Public Hearing May 2, 2012 at the Owosso Charter Township Hall at 6:00 P.M. to review repairing the lines of the sewer.
B. Keifer, Marion, Babcock Streets- New Water Lines and Road Work 2013
Supervisor Miller had discussion with Gary Burke about water lines and road work.
C. Discussion on Water Tower, Save or Salvage-
Supervisor Miller stated that the water tower has been shut down. Do we save it or salvage it? The cost to repair it would be $125,000.00 Discussion on salvaging it was recommended. Newholf will be contacted.
D. Approval of SATA Ballot Language-
Motion by Trustee Schultz and seconded by Trustee Krajcovic for the approval of the ballot language for SATA, up to .333 Mil for two (2) years 2012-2013. Passed unanimously.
E. Clerk to attend Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks 06/19/2012
Motion by Treasurer Cudney and seconded by Trustee Schultz for the clerk to attend the Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks at Traverse City. Passed unanimously.
F. Doc Star-Update- Should we consider maintenance agreement-
Supervisor Miller will contact the Polack Corporation and report at the May meeting.
G. Cemetery Building-
Trustee Schultz stated to the board that the Township needed a new building to house the cemetery tractor and supplies. Trustee Schultz stated that a tree needed to be removed and Supervisor Miller said that the trees (2) were already down. Trustee Schultz will bring back more information on this project at the May meeting.
Payment of Bills:
Motion by Treasurer Cudney and seconded by Treasurer Schultz to approve the payment of bills. Roll Call: Trustee Archer- Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Delaney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes.
Public Comments:
No Comments
Communications/Board Comments/Reports:
Attorney Lynn Bowne discussed a letter sent to Jeffery McClintock at 695 Hollywood Dr. for not putting proper siding on his home. This has been an on going complaint from neighbors for some time. Motion by Trustee Schultz to authorize litigation against the owner of this property to comply with the state construction code. Seconded by Treasurer Cudney. Motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Schultz commented on the pile of debris at the back of the cemetery and also needed gravel brought in to level the driveway. Trustee Krajcovic commented on the leaves along the fence of the cemetery which need to be taken care of soon. Chad White will be in to repair the damaged markers from vandalism that occurred at the cemetery. Motion by Trustee Krajcovic to have Constines clean up the debris in the back of the cemetery and bring in gravel. Seconded by Treasurer Cudney. Motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Krajcovic contacted Mr. Fisher about cleaning up the Dick farm after the barn was taken down. Mr. Fisher will get back with Trustee Krajcovic. Another person is interested in taking some of the wood that is left over of which a waiver of liability will be needed.
Clerk Delaney suggested a spruce up day at the cemetery. A memo will be given to the board.
Clerk Delaney was given the okay to order new letters for our information board in front of the building.
Trustee Archer reported that the Wastewater Treatment will sponsor the household hazardous waste disposal next year.
There was discussion on adding a 245 construction code building fund. Motion by Trustee Schultz to establish a 245 building construction code account Seconded by Clerk Delaney. Motion passed unanimously.
There was discussion on capping the wells at the water tower. Public bids may be taken.
Motion by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Trustee Krajcovic to adjourn the meeting. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Delaney
Township Clerk
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