Monday, February 11, 2013

Oak Grove Cemetery Maintenance Personnel minutes

Oak Grove Cemetery Maintenance Personnel

       Job Description

       1.) Mow.

       2.) Trim when necessary.

       3.) Minor tree trimming when necessary.

       4.) Rake and burn leaves.

       5.) I have the authority to hire additional help during the raking season and the Township will pay those that rake $7.40 per hour.

       6.) I will submit the names and total hours worked by those raking to the Township Clerk by the first Monday of the month (checks are released the second Monday of the month).

       7.) I will mark all graves for burial and place topsoil and grass seed on the graves within reasonable time after burial.

      8.) When necessary I will thaw graves for burials during the winter months.

      9.) Weather permitting I will pour all headstone foundations within two weeks after the order is placed.

     10.) For memorial weekend each year I will have the cemetery well manicured.

     11.) By memorial weekend each year I will place flags on all veteran graves and remove them approximately 3 weeks later.

     12.) I will make certain the flagpole flag is in place and presentable around April 15th and remove it around October 15th each year. I am to obtain new flags from the clerk as flags become tattered or torn.

      13.) When necessary, I will be in charge of the cemetery sexton’s position when s/he is on vacation. I will inform the cemetery sexton when I will be on vacation so that s/he can fulfill my duties during my absence also.

      14.) I have in my possession a Home Depot Credit Card that can only be used to purchase bags of cement and other small items necessary to maintain the care of the cemetery and I will seek Board approval prior to single item purchases over $250.

      17.) I will charge gas for all cemetery gas powered tools, mowers and etc. and propane for the grave heater with the charge card that is on file at the Exxon Mobile gas station at Baldwin Rd. and M21.

      18.) I will not misuse the charge cards. Nor will I use the charge cards for my personal use.

      19.) Weather permitting I will turn the water on approximately April 15th each year and see that the water is shut off and will contact the Supervisor to blow the lines out sometime between October 1st and October 25th each year.

      20.) I will call the township clerk should I have any safety or etc. concerns in the cemetery. (725-1709 ext.2 or 725-7931). I will also make appropriate police reports when necessary.

      21.) I will make certain all equipment is put away, safely secured and the garage is locked before I leave the cemetery.


     To the best of my ability I will have the cemetery reasonably manicured at all times.

I ____________________________________, understand this position is considered to be a part time position and the current salary is $480 per month. I fully understand the duties required of the caretaker position and I will complete the above duties to the best of my ability. (caretakers signature) (Date)

as signed by Todd Blevins when he was hired as per portions of minutes below

May 12, 2008

Cemetery Report: Report attached to minutes.

a.) Russ Raleigh Resignation: Moved Trustee Krajcovic, Second Miller to accept Russ Raleigh’s resignation as the cemetery caretaker effective June 30, 2008 if a replacement can be made by that date and if a replacement has not been made by that date the board will extend Mr. Raleigh’s resignation to as late as August 30, 2008. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.

Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Krajcovic to hire Todd Blevins as a temporary at-will employee to work/train with Russ Raleigh until June 9, 2008 at a rate of $240.00 and the board will consider him as a regular at-will employee at the next board meeting provided he agrees to and signs the job description. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.

Move Treasurer Cudney, Support Trustee Campbell to make Todd Blevins temporary at-will employment effective May 13, 2008. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.

June 09, 2008

Cemetery Report:a.) T. Blevins Appointment: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Treasurer Cudney to hire Todd Blevins as an at-will-employee to the position of cemetery maintenance/caretaker effective July 1, 2008. Roll Call: Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Supervisor Gute-Yes.

The clerk will send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Raleigh thanking him for his years of service.

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