Oak Grove Cemetery Maintenance Personnel
Monday, February 11, 2013
Oak Grove Cemetery Maintenance Personnel minutes
Oak Grove Cemetery Maintenance Personnel
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sunday, August 8, 2010
10.) For memorial weekend each year I will have the cemetery well manicured.
the above duties to the best of my ability.
Cemetery Report: Report attached to minutes.
Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Krajcovic to hire Todd Blevins as a temporary at-will employee to work/train with Russ Raleigh until June 9, 2008 at a rate of $240.00 and the board will consider him as a regular at-will employee at the next board meeting provided he agrees to and signs the job description. Ayes: All. Nayes: None.
June 09, 2008
Cemetery Report:
The clerk will send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Raleigh thanking him for his years of service.
As to s Miller's direct attack on Mrs Lauro:
Act 267 of 1976
Monday, May 21, 2012
Supervisor Miller called the regular meeting of the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 p.m. Supervisor Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Trustee Schultz, Trustee Krajcovic, Clerk Delaney, Supervisor Miller, Treasurer Cudney, Trustee Campbell, and Trustee Archer.
Others Present:
Attorney Lynn Bowne, Fire Chief Johnson, Assistant Fire Chief Thornburg, Assessor Steve Schweikert and Building/Zoning Administrator Bob Delaney.
Moved by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Treasurer Cudney to accept the agenda with the addition of Williamston Products and the Cemetery Building under Unfi nished Business as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Minutes-Previous Meeting:
Moved by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Treasurer Cudney to approve the minutes from March 12, 2012 meeting as presented.
Roll Call:
Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Delaney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Moved by Trustee Schultz, seconded by Trustee Krajcovic to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Roll Call: Trustee Schultz- Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Clerk Delaney-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.
Supervisor Miller recognized County Commissioner Dale Roszman and
County Commissioner Ron Elder. They gave reports on county activities.
Public Comments:
Brent Jones, representing the SEDP stated there is an open house at Crest Marine on April 24, 2012 to see the progress the company has made in the last two (2) years.
Sheriff’s Report:
No report given.
Cemetery Report:
On file.
Assessor’s Report:
Thirteen (13) appeals, lowest in many years. Complete report on fi le.
Fire Report:
Assistant Fire Chief Thornburg demonstrated the new fi re suits they obtained from a DNR grant. Complete report is on fi le.
Ambulance Report:
Justin McDonald introduced Janeen, supervisor of the Durand MMR. MMR also wanted to thank the Owosso Charter Township Fire Department for their assistance on some diffi cult calls. They did an excellent job.
Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Twenty-two (22) permits totaling $4800.00.
Monday, December 19, 2011
State of Michigan
County of Shiawassee
Charter Township of Owosso
December 12, 2011
Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday, December 12, 2011, at 7:00 PM, in the Township Board Room located at 2998 W. M-21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.
1. CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. ROLL CALL: Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Clerk Delaney-Yes, Supervisor Miller (Chair)-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney Lynn Bowne, Township Assessor Steve Schweikert, Building/Zoning Administrator Robert Delaney, MMR Representative.
3. AGENDA: Supervisor Miller requested that item A. under New Business - Demis & Wenzlick P.C. - Presentation of 2011 Audit be moved to after the fi rst Public Comments item. Motion by Trustee Schultz seconded by Treasurer Cudney to approve the Agenda with requested change. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
4. MINUTES-PREVIOUS MEETING: Moved by Trustee Archer seconded by Trustee Krajcovic to accept the minutes of November 14, 2011. Motion passed unanimously.
5. TREASURER’S REPORT: Moved by Trustee Schultz and seconded by Trustee Campbell to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Roll call taken with motion passing unanimously.
6. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mr. Jeff Sines requested a time line as to when his concerns about his neighbor’s property would be taken care of.
Copies of the Sheriff’s report were made available to the public.
Mr. Ron Elder, County Commissioner representing District 2, gave an update on the animal control issue, the county’s approval of the Aerotropolis Project, announced that informal meetings with the public will be held the third Monday of each month at the Ponderosa restaurant beginning on January 17, 2012 at 7:00, and that the county’s operational budget will be operating at over a $400,000.00 cut during 2012.
8. CEMETERY REPORT: Report indicated one nonresident burial which generated $775.00 Submitted report is on file at the township hall.
9. ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Steve Schweikert stated that the Board of Review for corrections will be held December 13, 2011.
10. FIRE REPORT: Chief Johnson reported: Tanker #1 was taken to Northville for repair and a DNR Assistance Grant for $3,750 to purchase Wild Land Firefighting Clothing had been approved. Complete report is on fi le at the township hall.
11. AMBULANCE REPORT: 37 transports were reported. Submitted report is on fi le at the township hall.
12. BUILDING INSPECTOR/CODE ENFORCER: Robert Delaney reported a total monthly income of $7,550.00 in permit fees. Complete report on file at the township hall.
A. Petty Cash Account
Supervisor Miller expressed a need for a petty cash fund for general offi ce expenses and moved to establish an account.
With no second the motion died due to lack of support.
B. Rails to Trails - Donation
Mr. Avery Weaver presented a history of the Rails to Trails project, explained its goals, and requested a donation from the township. Moved by Trustee Archer and seconded by Trustee Schultz to donate $5,000 in 2 year increments to the Rails to Trails Project. Roll call: Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Campbell- No, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-No, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Delaney-No. Motion passed.
C. Resolution - Baker College Diesel Project on South M-52 Supervisor Miller gave an update on the Baker College project.
D. MTA Conference - Detroit January 2012
Treasurer Cudney made a motion seconded by Trustee Schultz for anyone who would like to attend the MTA Conference to go including Lawyer Bowne to attend for one day. Motion passed unanimously.
A. Demis and Wenzlick P.C. - Presentation of 2011 Audit
Jim Demis presented the fi ndings of the 2011 audit. Moved by Trustee Schultz and seconded by Treasurer Cudney to accept the audit and internal controls. Motion passed unanimously. After the presentation of further information which showed that the township is in solid financial standing with a more than adequate fund balance, Trustee Schultz moved and Treasurer Cudney seconded to accept the audit report as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B . On Line Account - Treasurer Cudney
Treasurer Cudney explained that there is a $2 fee for entities other than property owners to access on line tax data. A discussion was held concerning the township assuming the fee at a cost of approximately $3,000. Roll call was taken with a unanimous decision of the board that the policy will not change.
C. Aerotropolis - Discussion & consideration joining interlocal agreement Mr. Brent Jones, a representative of the SEDP, gave a presentation explaining the Aerotropolis Project.
Attorney Bowne had several questions and expressed concern about the township entering into this agreement.
The board decided to study and investigate the project further.
D. Special Meeting - Dec. 15, 2011 to consider resolution of SewerProject Plan
Background information concerning the sewer situation was presented. A public hearing is to be held at the Caledonia Township Hall on December 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM for a presentation of the Sewer Project Plan. After which the Owosso Township Board will hold a special meeting and make a decision concerning the project.
Motion by Treasurer Cudney and seconded by Trustee Archer to pay the total cost of $44,787.90 to the Utility Authority to reimburse them for the cost of the engineering study and maintenance. Roll call vote taken and motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve the payment of bills was made by Trustee Krajcovic and seconded by Treasurer Cudney. Roll call taken and motion passed unanimously.
Moved by Treasurer Cudney and seconded by Trustee Schultz to have members of the Board of Review attend advanced training on February 9, 2012 in Frankenmuth at a cost of $79 per attendee. Motion passed unanimously.
Lee Wing inquired about the Environmental Plumbers working in the township.
Pat McCarthy inquired about MDOT’s plan to reduce N. M-52 to a 3 lane highway.
A. Trustee Archer commented on the state’s plan to eliminate road commissions and expressed concern that the township make their position on that topic known.
B. Supervisor Miller pointed out the need for the township to begin consideration for the remodeling, expansion, or constructing of a new township hall.
Several township residents in attendance voiced approval of the Supervisor’s suggestion.
C. Various board members commented on the holiday decorations and extended happy holiday wishes to everyone.
18. ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Trustee Schultz and seconded by Trustee Krajcovic to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Delaney
Township Clerk
Danny Miller
Township Supervisor
Friday, July 8, 2011
2011-06-13 from Independent
June 13, 2011
State of Michigan
County of Shiawassee
Charter Township of Owosso
Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday, June 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in the Township Board Room located at 2998 W. M-21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.
1. CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Supervisor Miller requested a moment of silence for deceased Owosso Charter Township Clerk, Judy Gute.
Motion made by Supervisor Miller and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney to have Attorney Lynn D. Bowne take the minutes for the meeting. Motion passed: 6 yeas; 0 nays.
2. ROLL CALL: Supervisor Miller (Chair)-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes. Clerk Gute is absent as she recently passed away.
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney Lynn Bowne, Fire Chief David Johnson, Asst. Chief Mike Thornburg, Building/Zoning Administrator Robert Delaney, Director of Ambulance Operations Jason McDonald.
3. AGENDA: Motion by Treasurer Cudney to approve agenda and Seconded by Trustee Schultz: No discussion; Vote: 6 yeas; 0 nays. Motion passed.
a. Minutes of January 10, 2011, Motion by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Trustee Schultz to strike the 3rd paragraph of the Minutes and to adopt and approve the Minutes as amended; Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Campbell-No, Treasurer Cudney-No. Motion passed.
b. Meeting of April 13, 2011, Motion made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic that the Minutes be approved as amended with the amendment to paragraph 15. Payment of Bills, Trustee Archer was absent from the meeting; and her name was, due to a clerical mistake, inserted in the vote and must be removed. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller- Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
c. Meeting of May 9, 2011, Motion by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Archer that the Minutes be approved as presented. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
5. TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
a. Jeff Sines of Hollywood Drive comment with regard to shrubs blocking ingress/egress from his driveway on his neighbor’s property; and comment regarding wood siding.
b. Mike Thorton of West Wilkinson Road expressed opinion regarding deleting a paragraph from the Minutes.
7. SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT REPORT: The Sheriff’s report was read by Supervisor Miller which included the following of, 181 responses made in the township, with 7 car/deer; 4 accidents; 3 domestic; 36 traffi c stops and other matters.
8. CEMETERY REPORT: Report was accepted as submitted.
9. ASSESSOR’S REPORT: Report was accepted as submitted.
10. FIRE REPORT: Report was accepted as submitted. Request made by Fire Chief Johnson to have authorized to himself a credit card so that purchases could be timely made to achieve great price reductions to save the township money on necessary fire equipment; Motion by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Archer that a Visa or Mastercard be authorized with a per purchase limit of $500.00 and a limit of no more than $1,000.00 per month; Discussion: Ensued; Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
11. AMBULANCE REPORT: Report was accepted as submitted and given by Director of Operations Jason McDonald.
Jason McDonald reported that average response time was 7 minutes 25 seconds.
12. BUILDING INSPECTOR/CODE ENFORCER: Report accepted as submitted. Delaney stated that Baker College will commence construction of a new facility on S. M-52 within the township; a diesel repair facility. This constitutes an approximate investment of $5,000,000.00.
A. M.T.A. – Workmen’s Compensation Insurance: Supervisor Miller gave an updated report regarding the issue of Workmen’s Compensation Insurance as to what the Michigan Township Association was accomplishing.
B. Township Insurance: Supervisor Miller reported there would be no insurance provider change for the current fiscal year although an insurance committee may be appointed to investigate the matter for the next fiscal year.
A. Appointment of Township Clerk: A letter of interest was submitted to the Board by township resident Bonnie Delaney; Motion by Trustee Archer and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney to appoint Bonnie Delaney as Township Clerk due to the death of the previous Clerk, Judy Gute; Discussion: Ensued; Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
B. Brownfield Resolution: A Resolution was made by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Trustee Schultz to dissolve the township Brownfield Redevelopment Authority as the township has paid back all the indebtedness incurred and accordingly, the purpose for which it was organized has now ended. Discussion: Ensued; Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Resolution passed. The Resolution dissolving Brownfield Redevelopment Authority is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
C. Resolution – Flood Plain (FEMA): Supervisor Miller reported that FEMA has completed a new study of the township as well as the county. New mapping defining flood plains and a resolution adopting flood plains will be necessary to allow people to obtain Federal financial assistance and flood insurance. The matter will be discussed further at the July Board meeting.
D. Medical Marijuana Ordinance – 1st Reading: Motion made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney to proceed forward with adopting the Medical Marijuana Ordinance as presented to the Township Board and to direct publication of said ordinance so that the ordinance can have a 2nd reading at the July 11, 2011 meeting of the Township Board. Discussion: Ensued. Vote: 6 yeas; 0 nays. Motion passed.
E. Weed Ordinance Amendment – Publish in April – Begin Cutting in May. Supervisor Miller reported that due to earlier growing seasons experienced in the past years, that it might be advisable to publish a notice in April of each year that weeds have to be cut in May instead of later months. Township Attorney Lynn Bowne was directed to draft the language amendment to the Weed Ordinance, and present it to the Board.
F. Consideration of New Phone System: Supervisor Miller reported that the phone system was 10-12 years old, was not user friendly and needed to be updated. This matter will be discussed further at the Township Board meeting in July.
15. PAYMENT OF BILLS: Motion made by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Trustee Archer to approve bills, with the bill of $1,155.00 from Argus Hasko (fire fund) be transferred from the May bills and authorized for payment in June. Discussion: Ensued. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
A. Jeff Sines wants copies of certain township ordinances; and requested that a plaque be created to memorialize Judy Gute’s years of service.
A. Trustee Archer gave a Waste Water Treatment Plant report. One issue is with downspouts running into the sanitary sewer.
B. Trustee Campbell gave a report with regard to website creation with Jim Forsyth; and also a report regarding a resident’s grass having been cut.
C Treasurer Cudney gave a report regarding farm land contracts (renting of township owned land to local farmers); also a report on writing off personal property taxes that remain uncollected in excess of five years by statutory Circuit Court action.
D. Trustee Krajcovic gave a report on Dock Star.
E. Supervisor Miller commented on reports by the Assessor and Building Inspector. They are now submitted monthly; and to consider submission quarterly. Supervisor Miller also stated that he wanted to establish certain committees; one for “insurance” until the issue was resolved; and second to establish a two-year “budget” committee to study the budget 2 years in advance; and a third, “ordinance” committee to investigate compiling the ordinances of the township.
18. ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic that the meeting be adjourned.
6 yeas; 0 nays. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn D. Bowne
Appointed as Secretary in the
absence Township Clerk, Judy Gute
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
MAY 9, 2011
State of Michigan
County of Shiawassee
Charter Township of Owosso
Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday, May 9, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in the Township Board Room located at 2998 W. M-21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.
1. CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion made by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Schultz to have Attorney Lynn D. Bowne take the minutes for the meeting. Motion passed: 6 yeas; 0 nays.
2. ROLL CALL: Supervisor Miller (Chair)-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes. Clerk Gute was absent due to being hospitalized/seriously ill.
OTHERS PRESENT: Attorney Lynn Bowne, fire Chief David Johnson, Asst. Chief Mike Thornburg, Building/Zoning Administrator Robert Delaney, Paramedic Supervisor Justin Farr.
3. AGENDA: Motion by Trustee Schultz to approve agenda and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney: No discussion; Vote: 6 yeas; 0 nays. Motion passed.
a. Meeting of April 13, 2011, Motion by Trustee Krajcovic and Seconded by Treasurer Cudney to approve tentatively until all have had a chance to read. Discussion: None. Vote: 6 yeas; 0 nays. Motion passed.
5. TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion by Trustee Schultz to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
6. Public Comments: None.
7. Sheriff’s Department Report: Sergeant Herrick reported that there were 200 calls in April, 2011. This included traffic; car/deer; hang up; domestic and others.
8. Cemetery Report: Report was accepted as submitted.
9. Assessor’s Report: Deferred until June’s meeting.
10. Fire Report: Report was accepted as submitted. The runs are down from last year. Fire Department car wash is set for May 21, 2011 at VG’s.
11. Ambulance Report: Report was accepted as submitted and given by Paramedic Supervisor Justin Farr. The runs are down in March.
12. Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Report accepted as submitted. Permits are up.
13. Unfinished Business:
A. Roads/2011 Project: Update with regard to cost sharing made by George Zmitko.
B. M.T.A. Workmen’s Compensation: Update given with regard to moving forward: staying with the current Workmen’s Compensation Insurance or switching to the M.T.A. There was no action; general consensus was to keep the existing insurance and review in a year.
C. Second Chance Wood: Supervisor Miller will get a commitment (date) from Second Chance Wood on as to when they will be at the “Dick property”.
D. Website Review: Discussion; Trustee Campbell will contact Jim Forsythe about moving forward.
E. Planning Commission Review and Update: Trustee Campbell reported on the April Planning Commission meeting as to Conditional Use Applications and Medical Marijuana ordinances.
F. Board of Review-Per Diem: Motion by Trustee Schultz to raise the Per Diem for the Board of Review members from $75.00 to $100.00 and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic. Discussion Ensued; Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
G. Weeds: Motion by Treasurer Cudney and Seconded by Trustee Campbell for Supervisor Miller to give notice to the people in violation of the “Weed Ordinance”; and submit the cost of weed cutting to the Treasurer by October 1st each year. Discussion: Ensued. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
14. New Business:
A. Supervisor Miller gave a report on his discussion with Larry Clever of Burnham and Flowers as to various insurance coverages. Copies of Burnham and Flowers coverages will be obtained and sent to Board members; and CLH will also provide a bid as to insurance coverages.
B. Cemetery Care Taker Performance Review: Discussion between Board members with regard to the existing cemetery care taker. Care taker also discussed certain aspects of his job. No further action.
15. Payment of Bills: Motion made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Archer to approve bills. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Campbell-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Motion passed.
16. Public Comments:
A. Mike Thorton had questions concerning the township’s lawn mowers.
B. Members communicated regarding cemetery signs.
17. Communications/Board Comments/Reports:
A. Supervisor Miller had a discussion with Doug Piggott of Rowe Engineering regarding Flood Plain Ordinance; also communication with regard to the industrial park water hook-in; the goal being June, 2011.
B. Discussion with regard to creating a separate account for a building fund to track monies coming into the township building department. Discussion: Ensued. Auditor, Demis & Wenzlick, P.C. by Gerri Terri will be requested to be present at the next meeting to discuss the same.
C. Trustee Schultz discussed his desire to access and understand Dockstarr.
18. Adjournment: Motion made by Trustee Schultz and Seconded by Trustee Krajcovic that the meeting be adjourned. 6 yeas; 0 nays. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn D. Bowne Appointed as Secretary in the absence Township Clerk, Judy Gute