Thursday, November 6, 2008

2008-06-11 Zoning and Planning

Minutes of Owosso Charter Township Planning Commission meeting held Wednesday, June 11, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in Owosso Charter Township Hall, 2998 West M-21, Owosso.

Chairman Buchmayer called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Present: Ed Buchmayer, Jayne Campbell, Ryan Kioski, Mike Zemla
Absent: Jeremy Dwyer

Building Inspector Bob Delaney also in attendance.

Campbell moved to approve minutes of April 17, 2008, Planning Commission meeting as presented (after spelling corrections to “Krause” Road and “sell”); motion seconded by Zemla. Motion carried.

Building Inspector Bob Delaney introduced new commissioner, Ryan Kioski, and new recording secretary, Debbie Whipple.


Campbell asked that the sign ordinance be signed and given to Building Inspector Delaney to get back to the township board; the ordinance was signed and dated by Buchmayer and Whipple, and it was given to Delaney.

Staff reports were called for, but none given.

Campbell asked the date of the next meeting, as she would be gone in July. A possible August meeting was discussed.


Joan Huber, 2504 W. Mason Road, requesting a conditional use permit for Shiawassee Auto Sales to sell used cars on parcel 006-15-400-008 located at 2110 W. M-21.

Joan Huber and her daughter, Wendy Morence, discussed and answered questions from the board. No more than three cars from the auto auction would be parked on grassy area facing M-21 in front of the section of building housing Doug’s Glass; Wendy Morence pointed out on a map of the site where the cars would be parked, indicating there was 110 feet, or just over feet 20 per car for five cars. She stated that there would be a small sign on the side of the building, and that hours of operation would be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Office space would be shared with Doug’s Glass (Wendy part owner with ex-husband). Servicing of the used cars would be by Dedic’s Body.

In the discussion, it was suggested that the permit include up to five cars instead of three so that it would not have to come back to the board if, in the future, more than three cars were wanted on the site.

Buchmayer pointed out that no residential homes are in the area – all commercial – and the property is currently zoned C-2 which does allow for the conditional use.

Chairman Buchmayer called for public comment; no one spoke at this time.

Back to the board, Buchmayer read conditions for use from the zoning guide, and there were no concerns from the board about the conditional use permit meeting those requirements.

It was reopened for public comment; no discussion.

Zemla made motion to approve conditional use permit for maximum of five cars parked and for sale at any one time at Shiawassee Auto Sales. Campbell seconded, and the motion carried to recommend to the Owosso Township Board that a conditional use permit be granted for 2110 W. M-21.

Bill Goff, 550 W. Dewey Road, requesting a conditional use permit for a dog kennel on parcel 006-25-300-013 located at 550 W. Dewey Road, currently zoned A-2 (agricultural).

Resident Bill Goff gave details of a plan to operate a dog kennel out of a pole barn on his property in order to board hunting dogs. Mr. Goff stated that he had kennels in Coldwater in Branch County for six years.

The plan is for a total of nine animals, maximum, at any one time to be boarded. Mr. Goff stated that he owns five acres and all activity would be done at the 12x48-foot pole barn. Hours of the year-round operation for drop-off and pick-up would be from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily. There would be a total of nine runs -12 x 3 feet for small dogs and 12 x 6 feet for larger dogs. The 12x48 foot pole barn would be heated and lighted, with heated mats for each dog.

Dogs would be kept outside in runs during the day, weather permitting, until 8-9 p.m., at which time they would be taken inside the pole barn. Dogs would be kept inside during inclement weather.

Mr. Goff stated that he already has been approved by the health department for a 1,000 gallon septic tank system, and solid waste would be picked up by Waste Management.

There will be no sign to advertise the kennel, just on a “race trailer” that will be gone on weekends.

Public comments:

Laurie Baker of 500 W. Dewey Road discussed a letter from her husband, Mike, voicing their concerns. It was noted that the letter had been received by the board.

Al Remenec of 650 W. Dewey Road voiced his concerns about noise, dogs getting out of the kennels, and waste water going to Hopkins Lake. His property is less than 300 yards from the proposed kennel. Mr. Remenec stated he didn’t think it was the right area for a kennel.

It was noted that there is currently another dog kennel (Bemis) about two miles down the road. Mr. Goff said that the health department and animal control would be policing.

Kay-Lorraine Lauro of Cook Road questioned why the health department is involved, because they have no jurisdiction over kennels. She went on to advise that according to the dog law of 1919, the Department of Agriculture is in charge of kennels and rules governing property zoned A-2 (agriculture), which includes cattle, etc.

Ms. Lauro said that kennels are allowed in A-2 zones and if Mr. Goff meets the criteria then he has the right to have the kennel. He’s not asking to change the zoning.

Back to the board, Chairman Buchmayer read the criteria of A-2 zoning and asked for issues or concerns on each item.

It was noted that there is no ordinance on barking dogs. Mr. Goff said he would do his best to keep the dogs quiet.

Discussion: Kennel would need to be inspected before permit issued. Mr. Goff would need to come back before the board if he wants more than nine runs. There will be only one dog per run. Mr. Goff owns one dog of his own that is licensed.

Discussion open to floor again; no comments; back to board.

Zemla made motion to approve the conditional use permit for a dog kennel with a maximum nine dogs. Campbell seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Mr. Goff commented that the kennel may not even happen, but that he wanted to be sure all his bases were covered if he decided to go ahead with the plan.

Campbell moved to adjourn, Zemla seconded the motion and it was carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

_______________________________ _______________________________
Ed Buchmayer, Chairman Debbie Whipple, Recording Secretary
Signed official copy is on file at the township hall

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