Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011-02-14 agenda/minutes not approved

on March 14, 2011 (the next meeting following this one)
Clerk Judy Gute was absent
The board voted 3 nays and 3 yays to approve these minutes.
Failing the majority, the minutes were not approved



2998 W. M-21, Owosso MI


FEBRUARY 14, 2011 – 7:00 P.M.

1. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Agenda Approval

4. Minutes – Previous Meetings

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Public Comments (Comments are limited to 3 minutes per person per each public

comment portion of the agenda. Please give your name and address before

commenting. A public comment may be submitted in letter form to be attached to

the minutes.)

7. Sheriff’s Department/ County/ State Rep. Comments

8. Cemetery Report

9. Assessor’s Report

10. Fire Report

11. Ambulance Report

12. Building Inspector / Code Enforcer Report

13. Unfinished Business

A. Web Site Presentation

B. Cemetery } Addressed during Cemetery Report portion of the meeting. jkg

14. New Business

A. Road Commission Presentation} Moved to Public Comments portion of the meeting jkg
B. Budget Submission and Adoption

C. Wages and Salary Resolutions

D. FOIA Lawsuit Update

E. Motions-Agenda’s } Addition to the agenda. jkg

F. Minute Synopsis/New Policy} Addition to the agenda. jkg

15. Communications / Board Comments / Reports

16. Adjournment

Printed as submitted

Page 1 of 10 - Regular Board Meeting – Feb. 14, 2011

State of Michigan

County of Shiawassee

Charter Township of Owosso

Be it known that the Owosso Charter Township Board of Trustees met in regular session on Monday February 14, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Township Board Room, located at 2998 W. M 21, Owosso, Michigan 48867.

1. Call to Order: Supervisor Miller led the Pledge to the Flag.

2. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller (Chair)-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Archer- Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes. Trustee Campbell- Absent (illness).

Others Present: Attorney Lynn Bowne, Fire Chief David Johnson, Asst. Chief Mike Thornburg, Building/Zoning Administrator Robert Delaney and Assessor Steve Schweikert and MMR Paramedic Supervisor Eric Lyons.

3. Agenda: Under “14. New Business” Clerk adds “ E. Motions and F. Minute Synopsis/New Policy”. Chair entertains Motion “to adopt the agenda with the additions of New Business E. Motions and F. Synopsis/New Policy, which more than likely refers to minutes”. So, Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Treasurer Cudney. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Archer- Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes. Concurred by unanimous consent. Agenda is approved with additions.

4. Minutes-Previous Meeting: Clerk Gute corrects typo in upper right hand corner of page 6. The date s/b January 10, 2011 not January 11, 2011. Schultz corrects typo on same page paragraph 2, wherein it s/b Krajcovic not Jrajcovic.

Supervisor Miller, Motion to accept the minutes from January 10th, 2011. So, Moved Treasurer Cudney, Second Trustee Schultz.

Discussion: Supervisor Miller has board view page 2, paragraph 3. He states minutes are not to be play by play accounts. They are to be objective in reporting and it is not to be dictated as such”. He again refers to paragraph 3 and reads the first sentence, “Ms. Lorraine calls the Supervisor out regarding his recent newspaper editorial wherein he attacked the Clerk”. Miller scolds the Clerk for writing subjective minutes instead of objective minutes. I (Supervisor Miller), Move “to amend the minutes and strike the entire paragraph”. Support Trustee Schultz.

Clerk states she now has a motion inside of a motion and reminds the board that the minutes are by tape.

Supervisor states, it was okay. We had discussion on the minutes and there could be a motion to do this. This is to amend the minutes and if I am incorrect I will go to parliamentarian. Miller asks Attorney Bowne if he is incorrect.

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4. Minutes-Previous Meeting (cont.):

Clerk explains she already has a motion and a support to accept the minutes, now we are in discussion and now we have another motion inside of that motion.

It is Attorney Bowne states the board should finish the original motion. Clerk states normally the board has made the corrections first and then made the motion.

Supervisor Miller asked Treasurer Cudney if she would take back her motion and if Trustee Schultz would take back his second. Motion and second is withdrawn.

Supervisor Miller states he will remake the motion to amend the minutes, page 2, paragraph 3 to strike the whole paragraph.

So I (Supervisor Miller) Move to amend paragraph 3, strike it. Second Trustee Schultz. Discussion: Clerk Gute reminds the board that what Supervisor Miller wants removed, did happen. Roll Call: Supervisor Miller-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Trustee Archer- Yes. Clerk Gute-No, because the minutes are by tape, Treasurer Cudney-No because that’s what was said. Motion passes 4-2.

Trustee Archer states she has more questions and asked Clerk Gute why her minutes couldn’t be more summarized. Clerk Gute states this was such a historic event like everyone said and we really need everything in there.

Trustee Archer suggests the Clerk could provide two set of minutes. She explained she has seen before a synopsis of it and then if someone wanted the entire minutes, they could request. Not to say that you couldn’t have a full report but it doesn’t always have to be everything. One could be a synopsis and the other a complete set of minutes if someone wanted to see everything that was said. Otherwise why can’t it be public comments? I’ve looked at minutes from a lot of other organizations and usually its public comments by so and so, about a topic. Then if they wanted further information or the complete copy that could be requested. I’m not saying the Clerk couldn’t make a complete copy said Archer.

Clerk states she spends a lot of time on her minutes and does them by tape and the board makes it sound like she is embellishing them. The minutes are by tape and she has the right to do them how she wants. Trustee Archer agreed that the Clerk had the right to do the minutes how she wanted to but she felt the minutes were too cumbersome.

Clerk asked if the board didn’t like reading them. Trustee Campbell had said she appreciated them because like tonight, she’s gone so she will know ….(interrupted).

But she could ask for a full copy and I could understand that for someone that wasn’t here said Archer. But these are subject to FOIA so they would have to FOIA for minutes plus the notes said Gute. Archer states but if the board proceeded with establishing a website she would not want to put all of this information out there.

Gute explained that at the last meeting Mr. Garnett stated he wanted more information and asked the board how much more information could she supply then doing it by tape?

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4. Minutes-Previous Meeting (cont.):

Miller states by putting in Ms. Lorraine calls the Supervisor out, this is play by play action. He again accuses the Clerk of writing subjective minutes instead of objective minutes and said he didn’t appreciate those whether they were by tape or not and he agreed with what Trustee Archer just said.

Gute asked Miller if it was just because Ms. Lorraine had called him out. If Ms. Lorraine had called me out then I would have put down that she called me out said Gute. Miller states no, I don’t believe we need to put this in that’s why I’m doing this.

Attorney Bowne states the board was in the midst of discussion and Supervisor Miller would need to state whether the motion carried or failed and there needed to be a declaration on the vote.

Miller states the vote was 4 yes and 2 no. Bowne said he knew that but before the board started discussion the vote should have been tallied. Miller assumed by taking parliamentary procedure he assumed he could take each as they were.

Gute asked, when did the board adopt parliamentary procedure? We’ve always used parliamentary procedure when I came on as a trustee said Miller. Really said Gute.

Cudney asked if the board could discuss this at another time. Miller states we’re going to get through it and because he sees it coming up again under new business. Cudney states that’s why she, thought the board could do it last. Miller states I want it done now as the chair.

Supervisor Miller states if to go to page 3, I only got a couple. If you go to page 3 Jim Hunt. I would like at this time to add language that says “and we had to send a line of work back to Williamston, they do not have the luxury of just turning off the valve from the city verses Township water”. He’s making reference to Mr. Magee. The water literally eats the pipes off the wall. It’s real hard water. We had to send a line back to Williamston and it cost them a tremendous amount of money. I would like that in the minutes where it says, so I Move to add that sentence to the minutes said Miller.

Gute asked if he said that towards the end. Miller was quite sure he did because he had it in his

notes. Clerk reads the paragraph:

“Like Georgia Pacific said the water is extremely corrosive. They provide bottled drinking water for their employees. They do not have the luxury of just turning off a valve from city verses township water. The water literally eats the pipes off the wall. It’s real hard water”.

Miller states and in my minutes it says “and we had to send a line back to Williamston”. In other words we had to drop a line from our park said Miller.

Motion by Supervisor Miller to add we had to send a line of work back to Williamston which is their parent company. Second by Trustee Schultz. Discussion: None. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Concurred by unanimous consent.

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4. Minutes-Previous Meeting (cont.):

(Clerk note: During discussion Supervisor Miller made it clear that he is speaking about Paragraph 3 on page 2 of the January 10, 2011 minutes that states “Ms. Lorraine calls the Supervisor out regarding his recent newspaper editorial wherein he attacked the clerk by repeatedly saying, that is not accurate, that is not accurate, etc. It sounds like you are calling Mrs. Gute a liar and I would think that would be the furthest thing from anybody’s mind. This person puts a lot effort into being accurate in everything she says and does and I think that was a little bit out of line. The inaccuracies in your letter far out-numbered and far out-weighed any inaccuracies that I have known Mrs. Gute to come up with in the entire time I have known her”. However, Supervisor Miller’s motion to amend does not does specifically state what page paragraph 3 is to be stricken from. Therefore until further directive no paragraph has been stricken to date).

(Clerk’s note: During discussion Supervisor Miller makes it clear that he wants to add language to Jim Hunt’s statement at the end of paragraph 6 on page 3 that states, “Like Georgia Pacific said the water is extremely corrosive. They provide bottled drinking water for their employees. They do not have the luxury of just turning off a valve from city verses township water. The water literally eats the pipes off the wall. It’s real hard water”. However, his motion to add “We had to send a line back to Williamston which is their parent company” at the very end of that paragraph does not make it clear as to which page and paragraph this language is to be added to. Therefore until further directive this language has not been added to date).

Chair (Supervisor Miller) entertains Motion to accept the minutes of January 10, 2011. So, Moved Treasurer Cudney, Support Trustee Krajcovic. . Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-No, due to the stricken change, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes.

5. Treasurer’s Report: Attached to minutes. Treasurer Cudney corrects a typo in the Ambulance Fund stating the amount s/b $16,850.01. Having no questions of the treasurer Chair entertains Motion to accept the Treasurers report as of December 31, 2010. So, Moved by Trustee Schultz. Second Trustee Archer. Discussion: Treasurer Cudney reports there were 1,868 hits for tax information on BS&A. Roll Call: Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Trustee Archer-Yes. Concurred by Unanimous Consent. Treasurer’s report is accepted as printed.

6. Public Comments: Opened at 7:18 pm - Closed at 7:49 pm.

Supervisor Miller requests that the board allow the road commission to give their presentation at this time. No objection from board members.

Road Commission Presentation: SCRC Manager Lonny Latunski gave an overview of 2011 road projects scheduled for the Township.

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6. Public Comments (cont.):

Brent Jones – SEDP: Provided the board with SEPD’s 2010 Annual Report and 2011 Annual Business Plan. He states 2010, was actually SEDP’s strongest year. They were able to complete 17 projects. That totaled an estimated 718 projected new jobs for the year. There were 10 expansions of businesses already here and 7 projection projects. They project 452 jobs with the expansions. SEDP is again requesting financial support from the Township and would like the Township to consider supporting them at $1.00 per capita.

7. Sheriff’s Dept. Rep./County/State Rep. Comments: The SCSD handled 174 incidents in the Township during the month of January 2011.

8. Cemetery Report: Report on file. No income for the month of January 2011.

Trustee Schultz states he has an outstanding bill that shows the Township owes $100 for a re-dig in the Cemetery. He has spoken with both Jeff Ballard (Constine’s) and cemetery maintenance personnel Blevins.

Gute said it is not uncommon for her to question bills. She has saved the Township a lot of money by doing that. She questioned it because it said re-dig. When she inquired with maintenance he felt the bill was wrong. She left it up to Mr. Blevins and Jeff to come to a determination on whether or not it was owed.

Schultz states Jeff told him a new person did the original digging. He felt everyone made mistakes and that the Township should pay this.

Gute states this is taxpayer dollars we are working with and as Clerk she has to sign the warrant for all checks. There are lawful and unlawful expenditures when you are dealing with taxpayer money.

9. Assessor Report: Report on file. No questions of the Assessor.

10. Fire Report: Report on file. The department responded to 6 alarms for the month of January 2011.

Firefighter Juan “Tito” Gonzales was presented with the Fire Chief’s Commendation for his lifesaving efforts in performing CPR on a gentleman he observed laying unconscious in his driveway in the city of Owosso.

The Township will bill for the train derailment in Durand. Gute noted the department paid extra for plowing for the fire classes being held at the hall and questioned whether the department receives any pay for their use of the hall. Chief Johnson responded that the department is supposed to get some sort of kickback for them using the hall.

11. Ambulance Report: Paramedic Supervisor Eric Lyons states MMR responded to forty-six (46) medical calls for the month of December 2010. The response time average for the year is as follows: January thru April of 2010 was 9 minutes and 51 seconds. May thru August 2010 was 6 minutes and 36 seconds. September thru December 2010 was 6 minutes and 9 seconds.

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12. Building Inspector/Code Enforcer: Report on file. Six (6) Mechanical and (2) Electrical Permits were issued for the month of January 2011 for a total income of $1,040.00. Administrator Delaney reports renovation activity coming in from VG’s. Baker is expecting to do a couple of projects, one at the Tire Factory and another off Vandecarr Rd. He is expecting a set of prints from Baker College soon. He also expects a couple of other bigger projects. So it looks like it might be quite a year coming in said Delaney.

13. Unfinished Business:

A) Web Site Presentation: Terri Brown from Connectic Marketing & Printing outlined the

intricacies of their proposal and answered board questions. Trustee Archer felt Bennington Township had a nice website in that it was easy to navigate. Clerk Gute has information ready to post on a website and felt the board should take some pictures to put on the site as well.

Archer liked the streaming access the Bennington Township’s site offered. Consensus of the board is that they would seek at least one other estimate. Ms. Brown asked that the board make sure they are comparing apples to apples should they seek another estimate. Proposal attached to minutes.

B) Cemetery: This item was addressed by Trustee Schultz during the, Cemetery Report portion of the meeting.

14. New Business:

A) Road Commission: Moved and addressed under Public Comments.

B) Budget Submission and Adopted: A public hearing is scheduled for March 14, 2011.

The proposed budget will be available for public view at the Township hall, Monday through Wednesday, March 7th through the 9th from 8:00 to A.M. to 10:00 A.M. or by contacting the clerk.

C) Wages and Salary Resolutions: Supervisor Miller does not want a salary increase. Nor

does he want a decrease. Trustee Schultz does not want an increase. Treasurer Cudney does not want an increase. Trustee Krajcovic does not want an increase. Archer does not want an increase. Gute states she thought this was already preset because the board did not allow for increases during the budget workshop. It has been about 7 years since she has had a raise but she does not request one. (No resolutions are established).

D) FOIA Lawsuit Update: Supervisor Miller states Bob Ardelean from Owosso Redi Mix

filed a lawsuit against this board. The lawsuit states Robert Ardelean, Arlene Ardelean from Owosso Redi Mix verses Charter Township of Owosso, Judy Gute, Clerk/FOIA Administrator. We went into a closed session on February 3rd, and he requests an update from Attorney Bowne.

Attorney Bowne states out of the closed session and back into open session the board took action accepting the case evaluators recommendation. The deadline for Redi Mix to accept it was last Friday, though

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14. New Business – D) FOIA Lawsuit Update:

he has not received notice whether Redi Mix has accepted it. However, he did speak with the court clerk today and she advised him that Redi Mix had also settled it. When he receives the written information he will get the information to the clerk so that she can make payment. Once that is made everything is dismissed.

Clerk asks Attorney Bowne to please make it clear that the way Supervisor Miller read the suit it states she was FOIA Coordinator and that it was actually the board because we did not have a FOIA Coordinator at that time. It makes it sound bad when he read her personally when it’s the board because we didn’t have a Coordinator at the time.

Supervisor Miller states he read it according to the state of Michigan Judicial District. Yes, but on this one it states Defendant Owosso Charter Township said Gute.

Miller states he only read what, was officially given out by our attorney said Miller. Gute states she was never called or talked to regarding any of this.

Attorney Bowne states actually Robert and Arlene Ardelean from Owosso Redi Mix verses Charter Township of Owosso, Judy Gute, Clerk/FOIA Administrator. The clerk in circuit court sometimes abbreviates. The proper pleading heading is what the clerk typed up.

Miller states and that is what he read off and there was a mix up in what we were looking at, what was required etc., etc.

Yes there is major truth in that because Bob Delaney was involved and he satisfied certain requirements and he dealt directly with Mr. Ardelean himself. But to put an end to a proceeding and to save money in the grand scheme of things, this was the reasonable procedure to go forward with.

Gute states the minutes will reflect that Judy Gute was not the FOIA Coordinator at the time. Right but the plaintiff did not understand that said Attorney Bowne.

E. Motions: Clerk state she has read thousands of pages of minutes while Doc Starring and the board has motions on the floor that the board voted to do and we have never acted on them. She felt as a board they need to be a little more careful.

Such as, there was a motion on June 8, 2009 where Trustee Campbell and she were appointed the alternate liaisons to the intergovernmental committee. That would have been the water committee. I know there were times when Trustee’s Krajcovic and Schultz couldn’t make it and the Supervisor went on his own. He should have had Jayne and I attend because they were the alternates.

On August 10, 2009, there was a motion by Trustee John Archer, seconded by Trustee Schultz that our water agreement would have a second attorney opinion. That motion did pass by unanimous consent but the second opinion was never obtained. It just sounds like you are willy-nilly making these motions that you’re going to do things and then you don’t follow through. I think the board should take a little bit more time to make sure we follow through.

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14. New Business – E) Motions (cont.):

Trustee Schultz states he thinks if the clerk went back farther she would probably find there were other ones the same way, not just this time period.

Right, I just pointed out a couple and I’ve read minutes clear back in the seventies said Gute. I think we just have to be a little more careful and follow through with what we do and make sure it gets on the next agenda or gets done said Gute.

Gute references the agenda, and states, it happens and she understands that but how we approved the agenda tonight and then we turn around and add/change things as we go. Sometimes we ask to do it and sometimes we don’t. I would also ask that the agenda be emailed to me too.

Supervisor asked for further comments or questions. There are none.

G. Minutes Synopsis/New Policy: Clerk reports that the Supervisor did not sign the minute’s synopsis that goes in the paper. She had given him two. One was a little bit larger and one the size we normally do. From everything she has read once her minutes are on a website she will never have to publish again. We are going to save on that publication money said Gute. She asks if the board wanted to do a policy until they get the website up or just publish what we have normally done? If we decide to do the one that’s more condensed we have more money for roads and etc. said Gute.

Trustee Schultz asked how much does it cost. Gutes states it is $10.00 a column inch.

Supervisor Miller states he doesn’t think at this time the board wanted to do a policy. I believe there was an error in what the clerk just said. You put an item in my mailbox. One was the normal size synopsis and one that was about 3 pages. I always sign the normal synopsis. You asked me would I sign this, I put down, Judy, go with the long one, Danny. I signed it right there said Miller.

Yes, but I need you to sign the one that actually goes in the paper so I can put it in the paper and you signed the note I put on it said Gute.

I signed the note, which meant I gave that I’m signing what you wanted me to sign and I signed one said Miller. So when you say I didn’t sign it, said Miller.

You didn’t sign the actual synopsis said Gute.

It just like you said you were not the FOIA Coordinator, I did sign it, I gave you the permission said Miller. I signed it and said go with the long one, Danny. Yes I might have put it on the yellow but to me that is, still signing it said Miller.

Then would you please sign this so I can get them in the paper (synopsis) asked Gute. Which one is it asked Miller. The long one said Gute. Fine, that’s the one I said you could go with said Miller. (Miller signs the minute synopsis).

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14. New Business - G. Minutes Synopsis/New Policy (cont.):

Gute states when she files this on Doc Star it will have both of their signatures to show they both agreed to it. I don’t put the note in there said Gute. Yes, in the past I’ve always signed that said Miller. Yes you have in the past but this time you didn’t said Gute. Well we could go back and forth said Miller. Gute thanks the Supervisor for signing it.

I don’t think we need a policy we know what the policy is, that’s my opinion said Miller.

Gute informs the board that the shorter version is about 123 words and it costs about $50 and the longer one is about 1,600 words.

Trustee Archer asked if the long one was still a synopsis. Gute states yes. What makes them so long asked Archer. I did the entire water discussion because Mr. Garnett wanted people to know what is going on said Gute.

Trustee Krajcovic states she thinks we need to have better minutes, more professional. The way that they are done in the other entities around the state, the boards that I have sat on in her personal opinion she thinks 13 pages is absurd.

Trustee Schultz states he feels the same way. He has minutes here from the Utility Authority and they have lengthy discussions there and this is the minutes (he holds up 2 pages of minutes).

I’m sure they don’t have all the reports we have either said Gute. Well maybe not but she just covers the base stuff that we talk about said Schultz.

Miller states Caledonia has, the city does and I’ve clipped out what the city does and I have been to city meetings where they’ve had some lengthy discussions about particular items but not to the extent that I have seen here on ours which I don’t believe are necessary and I’ve already gone through that which I will not go over again.

Treasurer Cudney states she thinks it is unfortunate that we have to go back and forth and argue about minutes all the time. I just think it’s too bad that we can’t come to some agreement here so we don’t have to argue about it anymore.

You have a point June, its called negative energy said Miller.

15. Payment of Bills:

Supervisor Miller questions what General Fund check #4762 in the amount of $20.02 was for. Clerk Gute reports the check was issued to Judy Gute for mileage and postage reimbursement. Miller asks what the mileage was for. Clerk reports it was for a trip to St. Johns to sign election agreement and that she personally paid the postage to mail out all the yearend tax reports.

Fire Chief Johnson questions Fire check # 3964 paid to Burnham and Flower. Clerk reports it is for insurance on the new fire truck that she had called him on.

Trustee Schultz questions fire check 3967 to Collin Rose. Chief Johnson responds that it is for radios Gerald Greger had purchased.

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15. Payment of Bills (cont.):

Trustee Krajcovic questions Fire check #3973 to Jeffrey Sadilek. Chief Johnson reports it was for new hose washers.

Trustee Schultz questions the high Consumers Energy bill. Clerk reports it is for both the hall and streetlights but the bulk of it is for streetlights.

Trustee Schultz questions check paid to the deputy clerk. Trustee Krajcovic states the deputy clerk’s line item is over budget. Clerk states the line item is not over budget. Krajcovic reverts to the deputy clerk line item to show the Clerk that it was over budget. Krajcovic’s finding is that the Clerk was in fact correct in that the line item is not over budget.

Trustee Archer asked if per an earlier memo sent by the clerk if the check was listed on the checklist. Trustee Krajcovic states that it is.

Chair entertains motion to pay the bills from 1-20-2011 to 2-14-2011. So, Moved Trustee Schultz. Second Trustee Archer. Roll Call: Trustee Archer-Yes, Trustee Krajcovic-Yes, Treasurer Cudney-Yes, Clerk Gute-Yes, Trustee Schultz-Yes, Supervisor Miller-Yes. Concurred by Unanimous Consent.

Cemetery checks – 1058 – 1065, Fire checks 3950 – 3984, General Fund checks 4743 – 4770, Sewer checks 384 for January and 385 for February, T & A checks 2060 – 2063 and Water checks 600 – 601 shall be released for payment.

16. Public Comments: Opened @ 8:40pm – Closed @ 8:52pm

Resident Jeff Sines states a couple of customers received a letter stating their tax money was lost and asked if anyone was aware of their tax money being lost. Treasurer Cudney explained the circumstance.

Chief Johnson inquires on how Doc Star worked. Clerk explained.

Supervisor Miller questions the monthly fee for Doc Star. Clerk states the Township owns the system and the only fee is a yearly maintenance/support fee.

17. Communications / Board Comments / Reports:

Treasurer Cudney inquires on where Attorney Bowne is at on the IFT’s.

Clerk Gute states El Potrero’s received their Liquor License and VG’s received their Sunday liquor sales license.

Adjournment: Moved Trustee Schultz, Second Trustee Krajcovic to adjourn at 9:08pm. Concurred by Unanimous Consent.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy K. Gute Danny C. Miller

Owosso Charter Township, clerk Owosso Charter Township, supervisor

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